Marvin A. HEUER - Orlando FL, US
Scott L. HAGERMAN - North Oaks MN, US
Martin PURPURA - Austin TX, US
Ralf JAEGER - Milwaukee WI, US
Chemi Nutra - White Bear Lake MN
International Classification:
A61K 31/661
Phosphatidic acid, lyso-phosphatidic acid, and/or phospholipase D can be administered to exercising mammals to increase muscle mass and strength. These actives can be administered orally to aging, bedridden or cachectic patients, as well as resistance training individuals, to improve nitrogen balance. The oral administration of phosphatidic acid as well as other actives described herein was found to increase muscle hypertrophy, strength, and lean body mass, and to decrease body fat in subjects, for example, when combined with resistance training.