Margaret Theodore MD
5420 Webb Rd SUITE B1, Tampa 33615
(813) 886-0548 (Phone)
Dr. Theodore has delivered dedicated, individualized, thorough and readily accessible care for over thirty years to patients in Tampa. She has maintained the same office in Town and Country since 1979.
Established and new patients are seen the day they call if they have an urgent problem. The patient ' s time is valued so that more than a short wait is rarely necessary at the time of their appoitnment in the office.
Dr. Theodore sees all patients herself and keeps close contacts with her patients by telephone if necessary of their progress, laboratory and other test results etc.
Dr. Theodore does not herself admit her patients to hospitals since 2004, she has secured a relationship with a number of competent internists who will assure continuity of care in the area hospitals. These physicians maintain a close communication with Dr. Theodore while her patients are in the hospital so that after their discharge, their care is resumed by Dr. Theodore with minimal disruption.
If you have further questions regarding our practice, please give us a call and our pleasant staff or the doctor herself will answer questions.
Medical School
Albert Einstein College Of Medicine Of Yeshiva University
Graduated: 1975