Conrad Fischer MD PA
250 Blossom St, Webster 77598
(281) 554-4769 (Phone), (281) 554-4817 (Fax)
Arthroscopic Knee Shaving, Arthroscopic Surgery, Computer-Assisted Total Knee Replacement, Fracture Care, Glenoid Labrum Repair, Hip Fracture & Dislocation Treatment, Hip Replacement, Hip Surgery, Knee Arthroscopy, Knee Cartilage Implantation, Knee Cartilage Repair, Knee Debridement, Knee Ligament Reconstruction, Knee Replacement, Knee Surgery, Rotator Cuff Repair, Rotator Cuff Surgery, Shoulder Arthroscopy, Shoulder Reconstruction, Shoulder Replacement, Shoulder Resurfacing, Shoulder Stabilizations, Shoulder Surgery, Sports Medicine Related Procedures, Sports Medicine Surgery, Supartz® Injections, Synvisc® Injections, Therapeutic Botox® Injections, Total Joint Replacement
Foot Conditions, Hand Conditions, Internal Derangement of Knee, Knee Injuries, Knee Sprain, Leg Fracture Above Knee (incl. Hip), Low Back Pain, Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Tear, Osteoarthritis, Shoulder Dislocation, Shoulder Disorders, Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, Sports Injuries, Sprain, Wrist Disorders
Glenohumeral Chondrolysis Associated with Use of an Intra-Articular Pain Pump Delivering Local Anesthetics Following Manipulation Under Aneshesia, 09/07/2011
Conrad Fischer MD PA
250 Blossom St, Webster 77598
CHRISTUS Saint John Hospital
18300 Saint John Dr, Houston 77058
Engage, Educate, and Empower my patients to keep them as active and healthy as possible using both novel and time honored techniques.
Medical School
Baylor College Of Medicine
Graduated: 2005
University Of St Thomas
Graduated: 2000