Acupuncture Clinic
Lic.Acupuncturist, Master of Sience of Orient al Medicine, Chinese Herbs
- Kabuki Springs and Spa, San Francisco, CA (2002- present)
Lic.Acupuncturist, Master of Sience of Oriental Medicine, Chinese Herbs
Meiji College of Oriental Medicine,CA , Berkeley
Master of Sience of Oriental Medicine in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Electrical Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Theory, Nutrition, Diagnosis
Kazahskij Nacionalnyi Meditsinskii Universitet im. S.D. Asfendijarova
Medical Doctor in Western Medicine, Anatomy,Physiology,Pharmacology, others.
- Kazak State Institute of Advanced Medical Studies, City of Almaty-
-Su-Jok (Korean hand and foot acupuncture) 1996 -Acupuncture(1989) -Psychiatry and Narcology ( 1989)
- reduce your stress, body and muscle tension, depression. ., -Tonify immune system, increase energy., -Help to improve the function of Liver, Kidney, digestive system., -Help to reduce all negative symptoms of PMS and premenstrual stress, help do cope with pre and post menopausal signs., -Computer related injuries, -Pain in the upper, lower back, neck, muscle tension, arthritis, etc., -Headaches, migraines, insomnia, -traumas injuries, etc., -Auto insurance- problems after car accidents