Specialists in Womens Care
9501 State Ave SUITE 3, Kansas City 66111
(913) 299-2229 (Phone), (913) 422-8462 (Fax)
Specialists in Womens Care
6850 Hilltop Rd SUITE 190, Shawnee 66226
(913) 441-4544 (Phone), (913) 422-8462 (Fax)
Specialists in Womens Care
1004 Progress Dr SUITE 120, Lansing 66043
(913) 680-1008 (Phone), (913) 422-8462 (Fax)
Colposcopy, Gynecologic Exams, Pap Smear, Pelvic exam & PAP smear, Woman's health & wellness
Abnormal Pap Smear, Abnormal uterine bleeding, Birth Control Pills, Patches & Rings, Cervical dysplasia, Contraception, Endometriosis, Fibroid tumors, Fibroids, Incontinence, Infertility, Infertility & family planning, IUD & Long - Term Contraceptives, Menopause, Menstrual disorders, Pelvic Pain, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Std's), Uterine Prolapse, Vaginitis
Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2011
Specialists in Womens Care
9501 State Ave SUITE 3, Kansas City 66111
Specialists in Womens Care
1004 Progress Dr SUITE 120, Lansing 66043
Specialists in Womens Care
6850 Hilltop Rd SUITE 190, Shawnee 66226
Overland Park Regional Medical Center
10500 Quivira Rd, Overland Park 66215
"Treat your patients as you would want to be treated" is the philosophy stressed at Mirabile M.D. Empower women to make healthy decisions both in preventative care and treatment choices. Add to the discipline of medicine with complementary therapy to treat the whole woman.
Medical School
University Of Texas Medical School At Houston
University Of South Florida