North Park Chiropractic Center
100 N Centre Ave SUITE 202, Rockville Centre 11570
(516) 763-2600 (Phone), (516) 763-4218 (Fax)
Low Back Procedure, Manipulation Adjustments of Back & Neck, Neck Pain Procedure
Back Disorders, Back Injuries, Back Sprain, Fibromyalgia, Headache, Lower Back Injuries, Neck Disorders, Neck Injuries, Neck Muscle Strain, Neck Pain, Sciatica (Not Due to Disc Displacement), Scoliosis, Sports Injuries, Whiplash Injuries
North Park Chiropractic Center
100 N Centre Ave SUITE 202, Rockville Centre 11570
Mercy Medical Center
1000 North Village Ave, Rockville Centre 11570
North Park Chiropractic Center is a practice that can fully address the needs of the patient. It is an integrated practice employing the expertise and techniques of Chiropractic, Medical diagnostic testing, Acupuncture & Massage. Also, Dr.?s Michael & Wendy Russo are ?club doctors? for a local fitness center. Our access to a variety of physicians in this area with whom we refer regularly gives us the ability to help you or get you on the right path toward better health.
Medical School
Palmer College Of Chiropractic
Graduated: 1992
Not applicable
Macomb college
Graduated: 1984
Wayne State University
Graduated: 1986