Pharmacy in Detroit, MI

License number
Michigan 5304000817
Issued Date
Oct 29, 2010
Expiration Date
Jun 30, 2017
CS - Research Lab
Detroit, MI 48201

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Wei-Zen Wei Photo 1
Vaccines Targeting Cellular Death Receptors

Vaccines Targeting Cellular Death Receptors

US Patent:
2012018, Jul 26, 2012
Nov 6, 2009
Appl. No.:
Wei-Zen Wei - Grosse Pointe Farms MI, US
Gen Sheng Wu - Troy MI, US
Marie P. Piechocki - Fraser MI, US
Richard F. Jones - Fayetteville NY, US
International Classification:
A61K 39/00, A61P 35/00, G01N 33/53, A61P 37/04, A61K 39/395, G01N 21/64, A61K 39/39
US Classification:
424 851, 4241841, 436513, 4241921, 4242391, 4242041, 4242321, 4242331, 4242071, 4242571, 4242581, 4241721, 435 792
The invention provides therapeutics and methods to induce a mammalian host, including a human, to produce antibodies, which agonize death receptors and cause the apoptotic death of target cells within the host's body. The therapeutics are vaccine compositions, including genetic vaccines encoding death receptor antigens of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family. Also provided are means and methods for overcoming host immunological tolerance to death receptors. The vaccines are useful against cancer cells and other death receptor bearing target cells within the host, and can be used in both therapeutic and prophylactic settings. The vaccines are also useful for diagnostic testing of the immunocompetence of a host.