Medical Practice in Beckley, WV

License number
Pennsylvania MD038451L
Medical Physician and Surgeon
Address 2
Beckley, WV 25801

Personal information

See more information about VELAYUDHAN SAHADEVAN at
Velayudhan Sahadevan
200 Granville Ave, Beckley, WV 25801
Velayudhan C Sahadevan, age 91
200 Granville Ave, Beckley, WV 25801
(304) 252-7875

Professional information

Velayudhan Sahadevan Photo 1

High Resolution Digitized Image Analysis Of Chest X-Rays For Diagnosis Of Difficult To Visualize Evolving Very Ealrly Stage Lung Cancer, Pnumoconiosis And Pulmonary Diseases

US Patent:
2002009, Jul 18, 2002
Jan 18, 2001
Appl. No.:
Velayudhan Sahadevan - Beckley WV, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
A method and a system for high, super- and ultra-high resolution digitized image analysis of chest x-rays is provided for diagnosis of slowly evolving difficult to visualize early stage lung cancer and pulmonary diseases including very early stage diffuse pulmonary pneumoconiosis and silicosis. This method of digitized chest x-ray image analysis also facilitates the visualization of visceral, mediastinal and parietal pleura and the pericardium as separate distinct layers covering the lung and the heart. Such distinct imaging of those structures was not feasible by any other methods of imaging of the chest. Digital image enhancements allow presentation of important structures in the image in different colors and contrast. This method of high resolution digitized and software assisted chest x-ray analysis shows that it takes about 3-4 years before a lung cancer becomes distinctly visible in a chest x-ray. Chest x-ray is the most commonly used initial diagnostic imaging for the diagnosis of pulmonary diseases. Furthermore, it is a very cost-effective means for screening for early stage lung cancer and pulmonary diseases such as the pulmonary pneumoconiosis. This method of image analysis is facilitated by digitized image capture with high, super high and ultra-high resolution digital camera () with very small pixels, image processing algorithms, a computer (), a server () and printer () systems.

Velayudhan Sahadevan Photo 2

Megavoltage Radiation Therapy Machine Combined To Diagnostic Imaging Devices For Cost Efficient Conventional And 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy With On-Line Isodose Port And Diagnostic Radiology

US Patent:
5851182, Dec 22, 1998
Sep 11, 1996
Appl. No.:
Velayudhan Sahadevan - Beckley WV
International Classification:
A61B 505
US Classification:
A patient setup and treatment verification system for radiation therapy having diagnostic imaging devices connected to a room containing a megavoltage radiation therapy machine. The diagnostic rooms and the megavoltage therapy room are connected to each other by openings in the shared secondary wall of the accelerator or through an anteroom to the megavoltage therapy room. Daily patient setup for routine and three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy and on-line treatment port verification with superimposed isodose are done with the patient on a diagnostic-imaging table. The patients are transferred from the diagnostic table to the treatment table without changing the verified treatment position. Sliding or rotating shield or maze walled anteroom are used for radiation protection. A patient setup with multiple diagnostic devices in separate chambers allows rapid turnover of patients in the megavoltage treatment room with patients spending much less time in the treatment room.

Velayudhan Sahadevan Photo 3

Dr. Velayudhan Sahadevan, Beckley WV - MD (Doctor of Medicine)

Radiation Oncology
155 Dry Hill Rd, Beckley 25801
(304) 252-9510 (Phone), (304) 252-9541 (Fax)
English, Tagalog
155 Dry Hill Rd, Beckley 25801
Beckley ARH Hospital
306 Stanaford Rd, Beckley 25801
Medical School
University of Wien / Medical Faculty
Allegheny Gen Hospital
Columbia Hospital
Rush Presby St Luke's M C

Velayudhan Sahadevan Photo 4

Single Session Interactive Ultra-Short Duration Super-High Biological Dose Rate Radiation Therapy And Radiosurgery

US Patent:
7741624, Jun 22, 2010
May 3, 2008
Appl. No.:
Velayudhan Sahadevan - Beckley WV, US
International Classification:
A61N 5/06, G01J 5/02
US Classification:
2504941, 2504921, 2504923, 2503417, 378 65, 600427, 600 9
A medical accelerator system consisting of coplanar and non-coplanar beams, on line magnetic resonance anatomic and functional imaging and cone beam computed tomographic imaging for single session image guided all field simultaneous radiation therapy and radiosurgery is provided. This system enables single session simulation, field-shaping block making, treatment planning, dose calculations and treatment of tumors. The radiation exposure time to the tumor and the normal tissue is reduced to a few seconds to less than a minute. In filed intensity modulated radiation is rendered by combined divergent and pencil beam, multiple smaller fields within a larger field, selectively varying beam's energy, dose rate and beam weight. Since all the treatment fields are treated simultaneously the dose rate at the tumor site is the sum of each of the converging beam's dose rate at depth. This super-high biological dose rate impairs the lethal and sublethal damage repair.

Velayudhan Sahadevan Photo 5

Simulated Patient Setup For Medical Imaging With Increased Patient Throughput

US Patent:
5842987, Dec 1, 1998
May 20, 1997
Appl. No.:
Velayudhan Sahadevan - Beckley WV
International Classification:
A61B 505
US Classification:
A preliminary simulated patient setup is done with a x-ray unit (14) or an ultrasound unit (16) with patient on a flat table top insert (68) on preliminary imaging tables (12) in preliminary imaging support rooms (10). Patient is transported from tables to table by sliding the flat table top insert (68) on these tables' cradle. If surgery is to be done, before or after surgery, patient is transferred to flat table top insert (68). Multiple preliminary imaging tables (12) are connected to patient transport room (26). It also connects to CT or MRI imaging room (32). A patient transport table (28), in patient transport room (26) makes connection with preliminary imaging tables (12), a mobile surgical table (22) and CT or MRI-table (36). After imaging, patient is unloaded to a patient unloading room (66). For use of a single CT or MRI for CT or MRI combined radiation therapy, patient is transported from CT or MRI scanning table (36) to patient handling table on rail (40) on rails (42) in accelerators' anteroom (38) and to accelerators' table (48) in accelerator room (44).

Velayudhan Sahadevan Photo 6

Lethal And Sublethal Damage Repair Inhibiting Image Guided Simultaneous All Field Divergent And Pencil Beam Photon And Electron Radiation Therapy And Radiosurgery

US Patent:
7835492, Nov 16, 2010
Nov 27, 2007
Appl. No.:
Velayudhan Sahadevan - Beckley WV, US
International Classification:
A61N 5/10
US Classification:
378 65, 378 64
A medical accelerator system is provided for simultaneous radiation therapy to all treatment fields. It provides the single dose effect of radiation on cell survival. It eliminates the inter-field interrupted, subfractionated fractionated radiation therapy. Single or four beams S-band, C-band or X-band accelerators are connected to treatment heads through connecting beam lines. It is placed in a radiation shielding vault which minimizes the leakage and scattered radiation and the size and weight of the treatment head. In one version, treatment heads are arranged circularly and connected with the beam line. In another version, a pair of treatment heads is mounted to each ends of narrow gantries and multiple such treatment heads mounted gantries are assembled together. Electron beam is steered to all the treatment heads simultaneously to treat all the fields simultaneously. Radiating beam's intensity in a treatment field is modulated with combined divergent and pencil beam, selective beam's energy, dose rate and weight and not with MLC and similar devices.

Velayudhan Sahadevan Photo 7

Multiple Medical Accelerators And A Kv-Ct Incorporated Radiation Therapy Device And Semi-Automated Custom Reshapeable Blocks For All Field Synchronous Image Guided 3-D-Conformal-Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy

US Patent:
7902530, Mar 8, 2011
Oct 15, 2007
Appl. No.:
Velayudhan Sahadevan - Beckley WV, US
International Classification:
A61N 5/10
US Classification:
2504941, 2504921, 2504923, 2503417, 378 64, 378 65, 600427, 600 9
S-band, C-band or X-band microwave powered linear accelerators capable of delivering therapeutic photon and electron beams are mounted to a gantry with extensions to hold multiple accelerators and are combined with a kV CT for 3-D conformal—IMRT and IGRT to treat a patient by SSD or SAD methods and in a full circle. The invention's tertiary collimator system consists of semi-automated reusable custom field shaping with tungsten powder or melted Cerrobend blocks. The beam's intensity modulation is by means of simultaneous but independently operating multiple accelerators. This system's multiple accelerators enable to avoid interrupted subfractionated radiation therapy to each treatment fields. Hence its effective dose rate at the tumor site is high. The improved radiobiology reduces the total radiation dose to treat a tumor, reducing the incidence of developing second primary tumors is also minimized.

Velayudhan Sahadevan Photo 8

Few Seconds Beam On Time, Breathing Synchronized Image Guided All Fields Simultaneous Radiation Therapy Combined With Hyperthermia

US Patent:
8139714, Mar 20, 2012
Jun 25, 2009
Appl. No.:
Velayudhan Sahadevan - Beckley WV, US
International Classification:
A61N 5/10, G01N 23/04
US Classification:
378 65, 378 63, 378 95
This invention relates to single session image guided all field simultaneous radiation therapy combined with hyperthermia. Hyperthermia renders the radiation resistant cells as more radiation sensitive cells. The high and super-high dose rate radiation greatly improves the RBE of the photon radiation. It also minimizes photon radiation therapy's OER and cell cycle dependent tumor cell kill by minimizing the repair capacity of cell after photon radiation. Single session hyperthermia and radiation therapy overcomes the thermotolerance-associated inefficiency of hyperthermia treatment as it is when hyperthermia is combined with fractionated, lower dose rate radiation. The synergetic effects of sublethal damage repair inhibiting single session hyperthermia-combined with high dose and dose rate single session radiation therapy, and combined chemotherapy brings the photon radiation therapy's tumor cure and control capabilities closer to high LET radiation therapy.

Velayudhan Sahadevan Photo 9

All Field Simultaneous Radiation Therapy

US Patent:
8173983, May 8, 2012
Jan 7, 2010
Appl. No.:
Velayudhan Sahadevan - Beckley WV, US
International Classification:
A61N 5/10
US Classification:
2504941, 2504921, 2504923, 2503417, 378 64, 378 65, 600427, 600 9
This invention describes a system for generating multiple simultaneous tunable electron and photon beams and monochromatic x-rays for all field simultaneous radiation therapy (AFSRT), tumor specific AFSRT and screening for concealed elements worn on to the body or contained in a container. Inverse Compton scattering renders variable energy spent electron and tunable monochromatic x-rays. It's spent electron beam is reused for radiation with electron beam or to generate photon beam. Tumor specific radiation with Auger transformation radiation is facilitated by exposing high affinity tumor bound heavy elements with external monochromatic x-rays. Heavy elements like directly iodinated steroid molecule that has high affinity binding to estrogen receptor in breast cancer and to iodinated testosterone in prostate cancer or with directly implanted nanoparticles into the tumor are exposed with tuned external monochromatic x-rays for tumor specific radiation therapy. Likewise, screening element's atom's k, l, m, n shell specific Auger transformation radiation generated by its exposure to external monochromatic x-rays is used to screen for concealed objects. Multiple beam segments from a beam storage ring or from octagonal beam lines are simultaneously switched on for simultaneous radiation with multiple beams.

Velayudhan Sahadevan Photo 10

Prostatic Hormonal Implants Treatment Of Prostate Cancer

US Patent:
2003014, Aug 7, 2003
Feb 7, 2002
Appl. No.:
Velayudhan Sahadevan - Beckley WV, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
424/426000, 514/170000
An improved method and products for the primary hormonal treatment of early stage, low and intermediate risk prostate cancers by prostatic implants of androgen suppressive drugs formulated as fused with a lipoid carrier or encapsulated in microcapsules or in Silastic capsules is provided. Such prostatic implants renders a constant slow-release of their contents to the prostate for extended periods by biodegradation and diffusion. It facilitates higher prostatic and lower systemic concentrations of androgen suppressive hormones. Because of their high prostatic and lower systemic concentrations, tumor control is much improved and the their systemic toxicity is minimized. Tumor control after such primary hormonal implant treatment is followed by clinical examinations and the biochemical tumor control is followed by periodic estimations of serum levels of PSA and acid phosphatase. More complex and expensive surgery or radiation therapy for this group of good prognostic early stage prostate cancer is reserved for those patients failing to this primary hormonal treatment. It will preserve potency more than by surgery or radiation therapy. Furthermore, it would reduce the cost of treatment for early stage prostate cancer significantly. Androgen suppressive hormonal implants to the prostate before, during or after lower dose conventional radiation therapy would also facilitate equal or better cure rates of localized prostate cancer as compared to the more complex and toxic higher dose radiation therapy.