Select Medical Corp
Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Appeal Coordinator
Aetna (formerly HealthAmerica/HealthAssurance)
Appeals Supervisor, Mid-Atlantic Region
PrimeCare Medical, Inc
Director of Nursing, Dauphin County Prison
Clinical Appeal Coordinator
Pinnacle Health
Registered Nurse Orthopedic and Emergency Room
York College of Pennsylvania - York, PA
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Rank: Staff SergeantL.i.location.original
Strong understanding of patient centered care, nursing excellence, and giving exceptional customer service, team builder and motivator, professional communication skills and collaboration with medical professionals, patient educator and advocate, orthopedic, neuro, and emergency room procedures, critical care course 2008, phlebotomy and IV placement, pre-operative and postoperative patient care, Durable Medical Equipment, computer skills in many programs, accurate documentation, proficient with private, Medicare, and Medicaid insurance plans, create policies and procedures, correctional and military medicine.