CRS Consulting Engineers - Lehi, UT
PB transportation engineering - Murray, UT
Assistant Engineer
Brigham Young University - Provo, UT
Teaching Assistant: Transportation Engineering
Utah Department of Transportation - Salt Lake City, UT
Brigham Young University - Provo, UT
Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Three years work experience in highway design using MicroStation and InRoads<br/> I-15 CORE, Utah County, Utah: EIT responsible for designing the horizontal and vertical alignments of proposed utility lines to avoid existing utilities and proposed drainage pipes, while maintaining standards for cover, providing exhibits and visuals to the client for pothole and survey requests and as required for coordination meetings, creating utility relocation plan sheets and utility as-built plan sheets using survey data, and tracking all utility conflicts in matrices.<br/> Mountain View Corridor, Salt Lake County, Utah: assistant engineer responsible for supporting the project manager in finalizing an EIS draft. Tasks included: developing and analyzing possible corridor locations, updating interchange designs graphically, creating horizontal and vertical alignments, modeling and generating superelevation, and calculating pavement areas and earthwork quantities.<br/> 2100 North PS&E, Lehi, Utah: assistant engineer principally responsible for the design and visual presentation of signing and striping project wide, preparing and performing quality control on PS&E plan sheets, conducting site visits to identify removals and utility relocations, and exploring design alternatives for optimization.<br/> I-15 Design Build Proposal, Utah County, Utah: assistant engineer responsible for calculating and documenting various project material quantities, creating and finalizing profile, roadway, and wall proposal sheets, calculating and graphically representing superelevation, creating and organizing typical sections and side treatments, and performing overall quality control on all work.<br/> Provo West Side Connector, Provo, Utah: assistant engineer principally responsible for exploring arterial alignment location options, updating environmental documents to comply with EPA standards, modeling several interchange design options to establish footprints, reviewing Provo City Transportation Master Plan and implementing it in the design, and preparing various maps and visuals for the client.