Injection Therapy, Bone Marrow Evaluation, Interventional Radiology, Soft Tissue Mass Biopsies, Mammography, Bone Densitomery (Bone Density Test), X-Ray, Bone & Soft Tissue Tumors, Ultrasound-Musculoskeletal, Ct Scan (Computed Tomography)
Utah Imaging
1200 E 3900 S, Salt Lake City 84124
Lakeview Hospital
630 East Medical Dr, Bountiful 84010
Ogden Regional Medical Center
5475 South 500 East, Ogden 84405
St. Mark's Hospital
1200 East Pl South, Salt Lake City 84124
Ashley Regional Medical Center
150 West 100 North, Vernal 84078
Moab Regional Hospital
450 Williams Way, Moab 84532
Mountain West Medical Center
2055 North Main St, Tooele 84074
Utah Imaging
1200 E 3900 S, Salt Lake City 84124
Lakeview Hospital
630 East Medical Dr, Bountiful 84010
Ogden Regional Medical Center
5475 South 500 East, Ogden 84405
St. Mark's Hospital
1200 East Pl South, Salt Lake City 84124
Ashley Regional Medical Center
150 West 100 North, Vernal 84078
Moab Regional Hospital
450 Williams Way, Moab 84532
Mountain West Medical Center
2055 North Main St, Tooele 84074
I am a person first, and a doctor second. When I meet a patient, I am a doctor talking to a person who has a problem they want to address. If you have metal in your body, and you have pain associated with that metal, I have a great team that pushes technology to the max, and will work with the best doctors in our community, to find the best fit for you. If you are a person who wants to keep pushing yourself as much as you can, and don't have time to have surgery, we can talk about your options.
Medical Schools
Indiana University School Of Medicine
Graduated: 2000