Neuro-Radiologist, Radiologist
1176 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10029
Medical School - New York University, MD
Montefiore Medical Center (Residency - Diagnostic Radiology)
Bronx Municipal Hospital Center (Residency - Internal Medicine)
New York University Medical Center (Fellowship - Neuroradiology)
Awards and Publications:
Master Educator - Institute of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical Center, 2011 - ASNR Foundation Award for Outstanding Contributions in Research, 2010 - Group Award for Outstanding Teaching to the Neuroradiology and Neurointerventional Faculty, 2008 - Honorary Professorship Institute of Neurology, Queen Square London, 2005 - Gold Medal American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology, 2003 - Honorary Membership The British Society of Neuroradiology, 2003 - Honorary Membership The Swiss Society of Neuroradiology, 2002 - 2011 - Who's Who in the World, 2001 - Gold Medal, SILAN (Sociedad Iberolationamericano de Neurorradioligia), 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006 - Best Teacher of the Year Award, Department of Neurology, The Mount Sinai Medical Center, 2000 - First Special Recognition Award in Pediatric Neuroradiology, American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology, Atlanta, GA, 2000 - The Annual James Bull Medal, The British Society of Neuroradiology, Bristol, England, 1999 - The Bucy Award for Excellence in Neurosurgical Teaching, 1994 - 2011 - Best Doctors in America (Neuroradiology), Naidich TP, Castillo M, Raybaud C, Cha S, Smirintopoulos J, Kleinman G. Imaging of the Brain. Philadelphia, Elsevier;., Fatterpekar GM, Som PM, Naidich TP, Cha S, Smirniotopoulos J, Kleinman G. The Teaching Files Head And Neck. Philadelphia, Elsevier;., Naidich TP, Castillo M, Raybaud C, Cha S, Smirniotopoulos J, Kleinman G. Imaging of the Spine. Philadelphia, Elsevier;., Gu X, Liu X, Guise KG, Naidich TP, Hof PR, Fan J. Functional Dissociation of the Frontoinsular and Anterior Cingulate Cortices in Empathy for the Pain. Neurosci 2010;(30): 739-744., Duffner PK, Caggana M, Orsini JJ, Wenger DA, Patterson MC, Crosley CJ, Kurtzberg J, Arnold GL, Escolar ML, Adams DJ, Andriola MR, Aron AM, Ciafaloni E, Djukic A, Erbe RW, Galvin-Parton P, Helton LE, Kolodny EH, Kosofsky BE, Kronn DF, Kwon JM, Levy PA, Miller-Horn J, Naidich TP, Pellegrino JE, Provenzale JM, Rothman SJ, Wasserstein MP. Newborn screening for Krabbe disease: the New York State model. Pediatric neurology 2009 Apr; 40(4)., Naidich TP, Duvernoy HM, Delman BN, Sorensen AG, Kollias SS, Haacke EM. Duvernoy's Atlas of the Human Brain Stem and Cerebellum. New York, Springer-Verlag, Wein;., Honorary Founding Member (The Russian Society of Neuroradiology - 2011), Irving and Dorothy Regenstreif Research Professor of Neuroscience (Neuroimaging)
Board certifications:
American Board of Radiology, Neuroradiology (Radiology)
Dr. Naidich joined the faculty at Mount Sinai in 1998. He is presently the Vice-Chair of Radiology for Academic Affairs, and the Irving and Dorothy Regenstreif
Research Professor ...