Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)
20 Office Park Way SUITE 1, Pittsford 14534
(585) 678-6967 (Phone)
Abdominal Disorders, Adolescent Health, Allergy Disorders, Family Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Nutrition, Pediatric Asthma & Allergy Care, Preventative Medicine, Telemedicine, Weight Loss, Wellness
Abdominal Disorders, Abdominal Pain, Acid-Base Imbalance, Adult/Geriatric/Adolescent Trtmt., Chronic Sinusitis, Family Medicine, Food Allergies, Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease, Gluten Allergy, Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy, Holistic Medicine, Infant and Preschool Children, Infantile Colic, Lipid Disorders, Malabsorption, Neutropenia, Severe Chronic, Nutrition, Obesity, Parenting, Vitamin Deficiency, Weight Loss
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 2001, Cambridge Who's Who Registry of Executives and Professionals, 2007-2008
Tammy McGarvey, FNP is a solo practitioner and owner of Hope Family Health, NP PLLC, "Where Healing Happens." The practice is an Integrative, Family Practice incorporating Traditional, Nutritional, Nursing and Holistic approaches to comprehensive care for healing. Preventative Medicine and health promotion are the emphasis as well as treating the underlying causes for illnesses. Hope Family Health has developed after diverse professional practice and years of personal experience in observing and researching how health can be improved through medical knowledge and natural approaches to healing. For more information go to: www.HopeFamilyHealth.com