Beaver Local - Lisbon, OH
None in n/a
Have used and have some knowledge of Microsoft Word<br/>Excel<br/>and Powerpoint.<br/>Also some knowledge of a set of software called Quick Books this software solutions designed to manage payroll<br/>inventory<br/>sales<br/>and other needs of a small business. I enjoy working in customer service and I'm well-organized with exemplory phone<br/>verbal and computer skills.<br/>being on time is very important to me. I like to get to my place of employment and have everything in order and ready for the day. I do not like chaos and confusion which occurs when an employee who is part of a team comes in late or not at all. Attendance also a big thing I feel the only time you should miss work is if it is an absolute emergency. Also in training I pick most things up very quickly. As I said I love to learn new things to broaden my knowledge of the company I work for. I hope this allows you to get somewhat of an impression of me<br/>and my work ethic. Thank you for taking the time to review my online resume I hope to hear from you so you can get a better perspective of my knowledge and skills in a face to face interview. I would love to become part of your team and believe I can be an asset to your company. Thank You.