Yeshiva University - New York, NY
Occupational Therapy Advisor
Metropolitan Hospital Inpatient and Outpatient Units - New York, NY
2 Fieldwork
Hospital for Joint Diseases, Outpatient Hand Clinic - New York, NY
1 Fieldwork
STAR Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation - New York, NY
2 Fieldwork
Birch Family Services- Washington Heights - New York, NY
1 Fieldwork
Private Tutor - New York, NY
New York State Psychiatric Clinic- Sherman Clinic - New York, NY
1 Fieldwork
Sharsheret - Teaneck, NJ
Summer Intern and then
Shadowed - New York, NY
Health Career Opportunity Program- Intern
New York University, Steinhardt School of Culture - New York, NY
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy
Yeshiva University, Stern College for Women - New York, NY
Bachelor of Arts in History