Phar-Mor Pharmacy - Detroit, MI
"Floating" Staff Pharmacist
Walmart Pharmacy - Roseville, MI
"Floating" Staff Pharmacist
SAM'S Club Pharmacy - Roseville, MI
"Floating" Staff Pharmacist
Walgreen's Pharmacy - Detroit, MI
"Floating" Pharmacist, Pharmacy Manager
Rite Aid Pharmacy - Warren, MI
Pharmacy Manager
Wayne State University, Department of Pharmacy Practice - Detroit, MI
Research Lab Assistant to Dr. David Edwards
University of Florida - Gainesville, FL
Doctor of Pharmacy
Wayne State University - Detroit, MI
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
Oakland Community College - Royal Oak, MI
Associate of Science
My skills as a Staff Pharmacist include: emergency pharmacist fill-in, store rotations for Rph vacation and/or sick days, computer entry information, prescription acceptance via patient, fax, computer generation or telephone, prescription compounding, patient counseling offer on all prescriptions, drug ordering and monthly narcotic inventory, therapeutic interchange, delegation of duties for technicians/cashiers. I also have Pharmacy Manager experience including inventory, pharmacy staffing and scheduling; daily maintenance paperwork and effective filing systems.