Joan C Main - Scottsdale AZ, US
Bijoy K Khandheria - Fountain Hills AZ, US
A Jamil Tajik - Fountain Hills AZ, US
Robert T Hurst - Scottsdale AZ, US
Steven J Lester - Scottsdale AZ, US
Christopher B Kendall - Phoenix AZ, US
Susan Wilansky - Scottsdale AZ, US
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research - Rochester MN
International Classification:
A61B 8/14
A method and system for quantifying the extent of vaso vasorum with contrast enhanced ultrasound and correlating that quantitative value to the risk for vascular disease is provided. An ultrasound contrast agent is administered to a subject and images are obtained using an imaging method that identifies the uptake of the contrast agent by tissues. The amount of uptake is measured and the corresponding signal intensity change correlated with the amount of vaso vasorum present. Additionally, deformations of the vasculature are measured from the series of ultrasound images and this information is coupled with the quantification of the vaso vasorum to determine a risk index indicative of a subject's risk to vascular disease.