Greater Philadelphia Area
LC-MS, UV/Vis, GC-MS, Microsoft Office, Microscopy, Dissolution, Chemstation, Powder X-ray Diffraction, Dionex, JMP, HPLC, Pharmaceutical Industry, Documentum, Validation, HyperChem, FDA, Varian, Biotechnology, GMP, Analytical Chemistry, Assay Development
In Search of Solutions 2-day Training Course for analysis of market research data, IMS Health
DDD™ Training for analysis of market research data, IMS Health
Integrated Promotional Services™ Training for analysis of market research data, IMS Health
National Prescription Audit™ Training for analysis of market research data, IMS Health
Design of Experiments using JMP®, Instructed by Dale Kopas
Empower 2 Advanced: Acquisition, Processing & Reviewing Results. Along with Custom Fields and Reports., Instructed by Waters Corp.
Design of Experiments with Applications to PAT & Validation., Instructed by Lynn Torbeck
FT-IR/Raman with OPUS Software Training Course., Bruker Optics
Advances in Pharmaceutical X-ray Analysis 2, PANalytical
Fundamentals of HPLC, Instructed by Dr. Lee Polite (ACS)
Crystallization & Polymorphism: Theory & Industrial Applications & Practice., Instructed by Prof. Allan Myerson
Pharmaceutical Solids: Essential Knowledge & Advanced Concepts., SSCI
Practical Course on Viscosity Measurements., Brookfield Engineering
Modern HPLC in Pharmaceutical Analysis., Instructed by Dr. Michael Dong of Genentech (At PittCon)