Of Counsel at Gilberti Stinziano Heintz & Smith, PC
Gilberti Stinziano Heintz & Smith, PC
since Jun 2009
Of Counsel
E. I. DuPont (India)
2008 - 2009
IP Legal Counsel
Gilberti Stinziano Heintz & Smith, PC
Feb 2004 - Apr 2008
Of Counsel
Hiscock & Barclay, LLP
Mar 2001 - Dec 2003
2004 -2008
Jan 2001 - Jan 2003
Gilberti Law Firm
Jan 1999 - Jan 2001
and Senior Counsel
Hiscock & Barclay, LLP
Jan 1996 - Jan 1999
Private Practice
Pepe & Hazard LLP
Jun 1994 - Jul 1996
Partner-in-Charge, EHS Group
Environmental, Health & Safety Practice Group
Jan 1994 - Jan 1996
Pepe & Hazard
Jan 1989 - Jan 1994
Senior Associate
Alken-Murray Corporation
1985 - 1989
Vice President - Technical Director
Fordham University 1985 - 1988
J.D., LawCompleted the JD program in 3 years despite working full-time during all three years as a corporate officer in a privately-held specialty chemical company.
Fordham University School of Law 1985 - 1988
University of Maine 1972 - 1974
MBA, Management and MarketingStudied at the Graduate Business School of New York University and transferred to UMO to receive MBA from UMO. GPA: 3.7/4.0.
New York University 1974
MBA, Marketing and Management
University of Maine 1969 - 1972
Ph.D., Environmental and Chemical Eng.Completed Ph.D. in just over two years - the first time in any
field at UMO. GPA: 3.7/4.0.
University of Maine 1972
Ph.D, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 1967 - 1968
M.Tech., Environmental EngineeringGraduated first in class. Completed the two-year program in 18 months. GPA: 9.5/10.0.
Recipient of Govt. of India Merit Scholarship.
University of Burdwan 1962 - 1966
B.E., Civil Engineering.Edited and published the first magazine for Civil Engineering Students' Society.
Transferred from Bengal Engineering College, Howrah (1961 - 1962) in 1962.
Presidency College 1959 - 1961
Inter Science, Pure Science and Humanities.I have a multifaceted education and work experience covering several disciplines of engineering, business management and marketing and several distinct areas of legal practice. I have always been rated as a solid performer. Lived and worked in several foreign countries besides the USA>
Extra-curricular activities:
Wrote a book on the regulatory requirements of hazardous materials published; and a primer on compliance audit and legal privilege published by Fordham Environmental Law Journal (1996). Authored numerous business, technical and legal articles published by leading US and foreign journals.
* Teaching experience: course on energy management and conservation, Boston University; course on regulatory management; Admitted to the US Patent bar and registered as Patent Attorney (No. 45481) with the US PTO.
* Admitted to the bars in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut; also registered as a patent attorney with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
acquisitions, administration, arbitration, architecture, art, attorney, books, c, consulting, counseling, customer relations, drafting, due diligence, engineering, financial, focus, insurance, international marketing, ip, legal, litigation, macromedia director, materials management, mechanical, meeting facilitation, oil painting, policy analysis, process engineering, real estate, safety, securities, strategic planning, teaching, utilities, writing
Served as Athletics Secretary and General Secretary of the Engineering Society at my undergraduate engineering college. Served as Magazine Secretary at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
Honor & Awards:
Received the "Most Valuable Employee" award from Airco Carbon/The BOC Group. Recipient of numerous scholarships and medals for academic achievements.