Kennesaw State University (KSU) Health Clinic
Famliy Nurse Practitioner (Full-time)
Family Health Enterprise - Atlanta, GA
Part-time Family Nurse Practitioner
Piedmont Minor Emergency - Atlanta, GA
Part-time Family Nurse Practitioner
Neighborhood Improvement Project Inc./MedEx Associates - Augusta, GA
Full-time primary care Nurse Practitioner
Cartersville Ob/Gyn Associates - Cartersville, GA
Ob/Gyn NP Residency
Kid-care Pediatrics - College Park, GA
Pediatrics NP Residency
Kulish Family Medicine - Dawsonville, GA
Family Medicine NP Residency
Out patient clinic of Tata Main Hospital - Jamshedpur, Jharkhand
Family Physician
Tata Motor's Hospital Dept. of Neuro
Clinical clerkship, Internship, and House Surgeon (India)
Kennesaw State University - Kennesaw, GA
Bachelor & Master of Science in Nursing
University of Mysore - Mysore, Karnataka
Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery
Proficient in eClinical & Medicat Electronic Medical Records, attended coding & billing classes from Vivature practice management.Read plain & contrast X-ray, CT scan, MRI, Intravenous Pyelograms,Cysto-urethrogram, perform barium meal enema as well as follow-through, did fluoroscopy,minor surgeries (I&D, suturing, splinting), spinal tap, bone marrow biopsy as well as thoracocentesis (adult & pediatrics), nail removal, and a number of minor procedures, Endotracheal intubation, venous cut-down, Manage snake bites as well as accidental/intentional poison ingestion cases