Gardner Family Chiropractic
799 Clifton Ave, Clifton 07013
(973) 614-9256 (Phone), (973) 614-9258 (Fax)
Low Back Procedure, Manipulation Adjustments of Back & Neck, Neck Pain Procedure, Physical Therapy
Back Injuries, Back Sprain, Fibromyalgia, Headache, Lower Back Injuries, Neck Disorders, Neck Injuries, Neck Pain, Sciatica (Not Due to Disc Displacement), Scoliosis, Sports Injuries, Whiplash Injuries
Health is really about a formula. Choosing a doctor that actually cares about you and how YOU can have a better life. An office that provides the latest health information to prepare you for the most important decisions in life...HEALTH. A doctor that has specific protocols to achieve superior results.
Medical School
Life University
Graduated: 1997
William Paterson University
Graduated: 1993