Immaculata University
Adjunct Professor
Carson Valley Children's Aid/Arts and Quality of Life Research Center
Music Therapist for the Hear Our Voices research grant program
Music Therapists
Music Therapist-Board Certified
Belmont Center for Comprehensive Treatment
Music Therapist
American Music Therapy Association
Arts and Quality of Life Research Center
Music Therapist, Choir Director for the Singing for Survival research grant program
Temple University- Boyer College of Music and Dance - Philadelphia, PA
Teaching Assistant
Temple University- Boyer College of Music and Dance - Philadelphia, PA
Graduate Assistant
New Jersey School of Music - Medford, NJ
Music Therapist
Kardon Institute for Creative Arts Therapies - Philadelphia, PA
Music Therapist
Keystone Hospice - Wyndmoor, PA
Music Therapy Practicum Student
Park Pleasant Manor - Philadelphia, PA
Music Therapy Practicum Student
Step by Step, Inc - Philadelphia, PA
Life Skills Manager
People, Inc - Buffalo, NY
Residential Counselor
Temple University, Boyer College of Music and Dance - Philadelphia, PA
Master of Music in areas of music psychotherapy and medical music therapy
Temple University, Boyer College of Music and Dance - Philadelphia, PA
Bachelor of Music in Music Therapy