Stratford Internal Medicine, SC
290 Springfield Dr SUITE 290, Bloomingdale 60108
(630) 893-9660 (Phone), (630) 893-9668 (Fax)
Stratford Internal Medicine, SC
290 Springfield Dr SUITE 290, Bloomingdale 60108
Central Dupage Hospital
25 North Winfield Rd, Winfield 60190
Health needs to be thought of in terms of healthy body, healthy mind, and healthy spirit. Our focus, clearly, is "healthy body" but we have come to learn that without a balance in body, mind and spirit, one simply cannot be truly healthy.
While making a diagnosis can, at times, be quite challenging, it is only our first step in working with our patients to attain and maintain health. Dr. Schouten has often said "Each condition is really two conditions--the condition itself, and the manner in which that condition affects the person". We have found that addressing this "second condition" is often the greater challenge. At a point where some doctors feel their job is done, we feel that ours is sometimes just beginning.
Some people feel that for today's physicians, "high tech" has replaced "high touch". We do our best to appropriately use the tools of modern medicine and listen to our patients, share our thought processes, and explain our findings and recommendations.