Psychotherapist, Art Therapist at Art and Soul Counseling
Great Falls, Montana Area
Art and Soul Counseling
since Feb 2007
Psychotherapist, Art Therapist
Health Works Institute
Oct 2012 - Jan 2013
psychology instructor
- Bozeman, MT Aug 2007 - Aug 2008
Parent Liaison (social worker)
Help Center
- Bozeman, MT 2006 - 2007
Crisis Counselor
Metropolitan Arts Institute
- Phoenix, Arizona Area 1998 - 2001
Admissions Admin, Counselor, Registrar, Art Instructor
Naropa University, Boulder, CO 2002 - 2005
M.A., Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, Art Therapy
Arizona State University 1995 - 1998
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Painting and Art Education
I enjoy working with clients of all ages here in my Bozeman studio/office. Clients draw, paint, sculpt from clay, wood and wire. We listen to music and talk with each other.
Outside of my art therapy practice, I enjoy spending most of my time with my daughter and husband. Together we play, cook, eat and make art. With friends, I love to run, hike, cross country ski and just relax and visit. I need my alone time too, and use it to read, make art, write, and practice yoga.