Jonathan A. Lieberman - San Diego CA, US
Ryan M. Steckler - San Diego CA, US
Bennett R. Blank - San Diego CA, US
Ronald J. Char - San Diego CA, US
Justin C. Marr - San Diego CA, US
INTUIT INC. - Mountain View CA
International Classification:
G06K 19/06, G06K 15/00
Tax data, e.g., Form W2 data, is encoded as a two-dimensional machine readable representation, such as a QR CODE. Certain tax data is encoded as segments of a QR CODE, and a tax form generated by an employer or payroll processing service and provided to an employee or user includes the QR CODE representing certain W-2 or other tax data. An image of the QR CODE is acquired using a camera of a mobile communication device or computer or other image capture device. When using a Smartphone, a tax preparation application executing on the Smartphone decodes the QR CODE image to determine the tax data, and populates fields of an electronic tax return with decoded data, thus allowing a consumer to prepare an electronic tax return using a mobile communication device.