Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)
3626 N Hall St SUITE 600, Dallas 75219
(214) 219-3260 (Phone), (214) 219-3260 (Fax)
Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine, Back Disorders, Back Problems, Bone & Joint Problem, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Degenerative Spinal Disorders, Family Medicine, Headaches, Herniated Disc, Low Back & Neck Pain, Migraines, Muscle & Nerve Problems, Neck Disorders, Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Scoliosis, Shoulder Problems, Spine Injuries, Sports Injuries, Sprains
Back and Neck Pain, Back Conditions, Back Injuries, Back Pain, Back Sprain, Family Practice, Fibromyalgia, Headache, Low Back Injuries, Neck Conditions, Neck Injuries, Neck Injury, Neck Muscle Strain, Neck Pain, Neck Problems, Sacroiliac Joint Pain, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Sports Injury, Whiplash Injuries
I believe integrative healthcare is the forefront of healthcare in the future. Patients should be offered choices in care and educated about thier condition and treatment options. I am currently a Chiropractor and Family Nurse Practitioner. Medicine may be indicated when a patient does not respond to conservative care or if thier health warrants treatment with medications to control or treat a chronic medical condition. Patients may need medications for Diabetes, High blood pressure, cholesterol