24-Hour Answering Services, Acupuncture, Adolescent Care, Adult Care, Allergies, Allergy Testing, Andrology, Anemia, Anesthesiology, Ankle Problems, Anxiety, Arthritis, Arthroscopic Surgery, Artificia...
Medical Assistant, Assistants:
Ronald A. Paul (President, Gynecology/Obstetrics, Medical Doctor, Owner),Nancy A. Brotzman (Office Manager),Rebecca Keith Medical Assistant, Assistant, inactive
Open Hours:
Mon 09:30 AM-04:00 PM, Tue 09:30 AM-04:00 PM, Wed 09:30 AM-02:30 PM, ...
Specializing in Gynecology- Serving the Montgomery, Prince Georges County and Metropolitan Areas
Customers served:
Residential, Commercial, Industrial
24-Hour Answering Services, Academic Medical Centers, Accepting New Patients, ...
Emergency service:
Emergency service available