Speech Language Pathology in Teaneck, NJ

License number
New Jersey 41YS00254800
Issued Date
Apr 3, 1994
Expiration Date
Oct 31, 2017
Speech Language Pathologist
Teaneck, NJ

Professional information

Rona Himber Photo 1

Rona Himber - Teaneck, NJ

Region V
Speech Language Pathologist
Region V
Adjunct Professor
Building Blocks Early Intervention
Speech Language Pathologist
Englewood Public School System
Speech Language Pathologist
South Bergen Jointure Commission
Speech Language Pathologist
Community School - Teaneck, NJ
Speech Language Pathologist
Ridgefield Park Board of Education - Ridgefield Park, NJ
Speech Language Pathologist
Bergen Center for Child Development - Haworth, NJ
Speech Language Pathologist
Advocates House - Riverdale, NY
Member of clinical team
Gan Ezra - Monsey, NY
Speech Language Pathologist
Advocates House
CFY Supervisor
Brooklyn College - Brooklyn, NY
Clinical Instructor and Adjunct Faculty
United Cerebral Palsy - Brooklyn, NY
Speech Language Pathologist, Supervisor, Grant Coordinator
United Cerebral Palsy - Brooklyn, NY
Clinician in Training
Board of Education - Brooklyn, NY
Teacher of Speech Improvement
Brooklyn College - Brooklyn, NY
Clinician in Training
Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital - New York, NY
Clinician in Training
Ohel Children's Home - Brooklyn, NY
Speech and Language Clinician
School Setting
Speech and Language Therapy in the Public
Brooklyn College - Brooklyn, NY
Master of Science in Speech Pathology
Brooklyn College - Brooklyn, NY
Bachelor of Arts in Speech Pathology and Audiology
Signing Exact English, Oral Motor therapy, PROMPT trained, and AAC.

Rona Himber Photo 2

Rona Himber - Teaneck, NJ

Region V (five)
Speech and Language Pathologist
Englewood Public School System
Speech-Language Specialist
Building Blocks
Speech and Language Pathologist
South Bergen Jointure Commission
Speech and Language Pathologist
Community School - Teaneck, NJ
Speech and Language Pathologist
Ridgefield Park Board of Education, Ridgefleld - Park, NJ, US
Speech and Language Pathologist
Bergen Center for Child Development - Haworth, NJ
Speech and Language Pathologist
Advocates House - Riverdale, NY
Member of clinical team
William Paterson University - Wayne, NJ
Clinical Supervisor
Advocates House
CFY Supervisor
Brooklyn College - Brooklyn, NY
Clinical Instructor and Adjunct Faculty
United Cerebral Palsy - Brooklyn, NY
Speech and Language Pathologist, Supervisor, Grant Coordinator
United Cerebral Palsy - Brooklyn, NY
Speech and Language Clinician
Board of Education - Brooklyn, NY
Teacher of Speech Improvement
Brooklyn College - Brooklyn, NY
Clinician in Training
Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital - New York, NY
Clinician in Training
Ohel Children's Home - Brooklyn, NY
Speech and Language Clinician
School Setting
Brooklyn College
Master of Science
Brooklyn College
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology