Region V (five)
Speech and Language Pathologist
Englewood Public School System
Speech-Language Specialist
Building Blocks
Speech and Language Pathologist
South Bergen Jointure Commission
Speech and Language Pathologist
Community School - Teaneck, NJ
Speech and Language Pathologist
Ridgefield Park Board of Education, Ridgefleld - Park, NJ, US
Speech and Language Pathologist
Bergen Center for Child Development - Haworth, NJ
Speech and Language Pathologist
Advocates House - Riverdale, NY
Member of clinical team
William Paterson University - Wayne, NJ
Clinical Supervisor
Advocates House
CFY Supervisor
Brooklyn College - Brooklyn, NY
Clinical Instructor and Adjunct Faculty
United Cerebral Palsy - Brooklyn, NY
Speech and Language Pathologist, Supervisor, Grant Coordinator
United Cerebral Palsy - Brooklyn, NY
Speech and Language Clinician
Board of Education - Brooklyn, NY
Teacher of Speech Improvement
Brooklyn College - Brooklyn, NY
Clinician in Training
Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital - New York, NY
Clinician in Training
Ohel Children's Home - Brooklyn, NY
Speech and Language Clinician
School Setting
Brooklyn College
Master of Science
Brooklyn College
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology