Osteopathic Medicine at Bee Caves Rd, Austin, TX

License number
Texas N8949
Osteopathic Medicine
License number
Texas N8949
Osteopathic Medicine
Pain Medicine
Address 2
3345 Bee Caves Rd SUITE 101, Austin, TX 78746
3411 University Ave, Lubbock, TX 79413
(512) 981-7246
(806) 796-0507
(806) 799-6908 (Fax)

Personal information

See more information about ROBERT STEVEN MARKS at radaris.com
Robert Marks
520 Magazine St APT 1, Beaumont, TX 77701
Robert Marks, age 80
520 Magazine St APT 5, Beaumont, TX 77701
Robert Marks
6020 Weymouth Dr, Dallas, TX 75252
(972) 250-2268
Robert Marks
6020 Weymouth Dr #D315, Dallas, TX 75252
Robert Marks
6206 Bend Of The River Dr, Austin, TX 78746
(512) 750-0041

Professional information

Robert S Marks Photo 1

Dr. Robert S Marks, Austin TX - MD (Doctor of Medicine)

Pain Medicine, Anesthesiology
North Office
11615 Angus Rd SUITE 107, Austin 78759
(512) 981-7246 (Phone), (512) 981-7246 (Fax)
South/Central Office
3345 Bee Caves Rd SUITE 101, West Lake Hills 78746
(512) 981-7246 (Phone), (512) 981-7246 (Fax)
Advanced treatment options for disc & joint abnormalities, Alternative medicine, Arthritis, Back Disorders, Back Problems, Baclofen Pump (Spinal Pump) Management, Block - Stellate Ganglion, Block - zygapophysial joint nerve injection, Blocks, Bone & Joint Problem, Botox injections for pain, Brachial Plexus, Bursa Injections, Bursitis, Cancer Pain Management, Cardiac (Heart) Pain Procedures & Surgeries, Care of amputee patients, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cervical epidural steroid injection, Cervical facet joint injection, Cervical Injections, Cervical medial branch block, Cervical medial branch radiofrequency neurotomy, Chemodenervation, Crohn's Disease, Cryoablation, Decompression, degenerative and traumatic spine disease, Degenerative Scoliosis, Degenerative Spinal Disorders, Degenerative Spine Disease, Detoxification, Device implantation and extraction, Discectomy, Discography, Distal Anesthesia, Elbow Bursitis, endocrine tumors of pancreas, endocrine tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, Endometriosis, Epidural Cortisone Injection, Epidural Endoscopy, Epidural Injections, Epidural steroid injections, Epidurals, Facet Blocks, Facet Injection, facet injections, Facet joint injections, failed back surgery (revisions), Fibromyalgia, Fluoroscopic Guided Hip Injections, Fluoroscopy, Foot problems, Ganglion impar block, Ganglions, Gastrointestinal Cancer, General & Regional Anesthetics, General Anesthesia, Glaucoma, Hand and Wrist Problems, Head & Neck Tumors, Head and Neck Cancers, Head Injury, Headaches, Hemorrhoid treatments, Herniated Disc, Herniated disc procedures, Hip Fractures, Homeopathy, Injection of tendon, Injection Therapy, Integrative Medicine, Intercostal Nerve Block, Interstim Sacral Nerve Stimulator, Interventional catheterization, Interventional Pain Management, Interventional Radiology, Interventional spine & pain medicine, Intracranial Tumors, Intractable Pain Syndromes, Intrathecal Drug Delivery System, Intrathecals, Intubation, IV Sedation, IV therapy, joint aspiration/injection, Knee Disorders, Knee Problems, Kyphoplasty, Kyphoplasty - vertebral augmentation, Laryngoscopy, Local Anesthesia, lumbar and cervical microdiscectomies, Lumbar discography, Lumbar epidural steroid injection, Lumbar facet joint injection, lumbar medial branch block, Lumbar medial branch radiofrequency neurotomy, Lumbar Puncture, Lumbar selective nerve root block, Lumbar Stenosis, lumbar transforaminal injections, Lysis of adhesions, Malignant Tumors, Malunions/Non-unions Extremity, Medical Branch Block, Medical Consultations, Migraines, Minimally - Invasive Spine Surgery, minor office procedures, minor office surgery, Minor Surgery, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, Moderate Sedation, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscle & Nerve Problems, Muscle Problems, Musculoskeletal Tumor Surgery, Myelography, Neck Disorders, Nerve Blocks, Nerve Compression, Nerve Problems, Neuromuscular Disease, occipital nerve block, Osteoarthritis, Pain Management, Pallative & hospice care, Pelvic Pain, Percutaneous Disc Decompression, Percutaneous Discectomy Surgery, Percutaneous Procedures, peripheral nerve blocks, Peripheral nerve decompression, Peripheral Nerve Disease, Peripheral Nerve Injury, Peripheral nerve stimulation, Peripheral Nerve Surgery, Peripheral Nerves, Piriformis injection, Prostate Cancer, Radio Frequency Denervation, Radio Frequency Treatment, Radiofrequency Ablation, Radiofrequency Nerve Ablation, Rheumatic Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rhizotomy, Sacroiliac joint injection, sacrospinous ligament fixation, Second Opinion, Shoulder Problems, Soft tissue injections, Spinal Anesthesia, Spinal Cord Injury, Spinal cord stimulation, spinal decompressions, spinal discectomies, Spinal pump implant, Spinal Stenosis, Spine (Back or Lumbar) Punctures, Spine and Brain Disorders, Spine Injuries, Sports Injuries, sports injuries and arthritis of the foot/ankle, Steroid injection, Strains, Supportive Care In Cancer Patients, Tendon and Bursa Injections, Tendonitis, Therapeutic botox injections, Third Occipital Nerve Block, Thoracic epidural steroid injection, Thoracic facet joint injection, Thoracic Sympathectomay For Sweaty Palms, Thumb Basal Joint Arthritis, Transforaminal Epidurals, trauma and fracture management, Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic Injuries, Trigger point injection, Trigger Point Injections, ultrasound guided injections, ultrasound guided procedures
Alternative Medicine, Arthritis, Botox Injections, Brachial Plexus, Bursa Injections, Bursitis, Cancer Pain Management, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Crohn's disease, Cryoablation, Degenerative Spinal Disorders, Degenerative Spine Disease, Elbow Bursitis, Endometriosis, Epidural Injections, Epidural Steroid Injections, Epidurals, Facet Blocks, Fibromyalgia, Foot Problems, Gastrointestinal cancer, Glaucoma, Hand and Wrist Problems, Head & Neck Tumors, Head Injury, Headaches, Herniated Disc, Hip Fractures, Homeopathy, Integrative Medicine, Interventional Pain Management, Interventional Radiology, Intracranial Tumors, Knee Problems and Injuries, Kyphoplasty, Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection, Lumbar Puncture, Malignant Tumors, Malunions/Non - Unions Extremity, Medical Consultations, Migraines, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Minor Surgery, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Muscle & Nerve Problems, Nerve Compression, Neuromuscular Disease, Occipital Nerve Block, Osteoarthritis, Pain Management, Pelvic Pain, Peripheral Nerve Injury, Peripheral Nerve Surgery, Peripheral Nerves, Prostate cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Shoulder Problems, Spinal Cord Injury, Spinal Stenosis, Sports Injury, Tendonitis, Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic Injuries
Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine
Healthgrades Honor Roll, Safe Surgeon of the Month: University Medical Center, 12/2009, Safe Surgeon of the Month: University Medical Center, 8/2008, Winner of the INSIGHT Lecture Competition - Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, 2008, Big Blue, Onset 2011
Robert S. Marks, M.D. is board certified in Anesthesiology & Pain Management and was fellowship trained at one of the top pain management fellowships in the country,The International Pain Center. He thoroughly examines each patient and takes the time to discuss the most current, safest options available.
Medical School
Graduated: 2006
SUNY At Stony Brook: Department Of Surgery
Graduated: 2007
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center: Department Of Anesthesiology
Graduated: 2011
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center: Department Of Surgery
Graduated: 2008
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center / International Pain Center: Pain Management
Graduated: 2012
The University of Texas at Austin
Graduated: 2002

Robert  Marks Photo 2

Robert Marks, Lubbock TX - Lawyer

4119 16Th St, Lubbock, TX 79416
Texas State Bar