Chiropractic, Family Medicine, Naturopathy
715 S. Beeline Hwy., Payson, AZ
3543 N 7Th St, Phoenix 85014
(602) 263-8484 (Phone), (602) 263-8484 (Fax)
Alternative medicine, Back Disorders, Back Problems, Bone & Joint Problem, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Degenerative Spinal Disorders, Headaches, Herniated Disc, Low Back & Neck Pain, Migraines, Muscle & Nerve Problems, Neck Disorders, Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Scoliosis, Shoulder Problems, Spine Injuries, Sports Injuries, Sprains
Back and Neck Pain, Back conditions, Back injuries, Back Pain, Back Sprain, Fibromyalgia, Headache, Headaches, Low Back Injuries, Neck conditions, Neck injuries, Neck injury, Neck muscle strain, Neck Pain, Neck Problems, Sacroiliac Joint Pain, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Sports Injury, Whiplash Injuries
My primary interest is to stop the pain and then to find the cause of the pain. When the cause of the pain is diagnosed and understood by both the person and myself; together we can work toward elimination of the source of the pain. Strict attention to anatomy and physiology is a must in coming to the diagnosis, Copy and paste the following for a complete explanation. http://www.comprehensive.ws/uploads/Manipulative_Surgery_presentation_in_words_7-21-08_secured.pdf
Medical School
National College of Naturopathic Medicine
Graduated: 1979
National University of Health Sciences / National College of Chiropractic
Graduated: 1963
Chicago General Health Services
Phoenix College
Graduated: 1968
State Of Arizona Board Of Naturopathic Medicine Certification In Family Medicine and Minor Surgery
Graduated: 1996