Plastic Surgeon, Cosmetic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, ...
Doing business as:
Richard A. D’Amico, MD, FACS
Dr. Richard D'Amico is a board-certified plastic surgeon practicing New Jersey plastic surgery for over 20 years and have been privileged with the trust of thousands of patients who, just like you, wa...
Manager, Administrations:
Richard Damiko (Surgery-Plastic, Plastic Surgeon, President, Medical Doctor),Marie Pucher (Office Manager),Yvonne M. Layden (Receptionist Secretary),...
Service area:
Dr. D'Amico serves New Jersey and New York metro area residents from Engelwood, Paterson, Hackensack, Newark, Manhattan, and other areas.
Open Hours:
Mon 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM, Tue 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Wed 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM, ...