Abcess Incision and Drainage, abscess treatment, Acid Reflux, Acne, Adolescent Care, Adolescent Gynecology, Adolescent Health, Adolescent Medicine-Female, Advanced Coloposcopy, Allergic Contact Dermatitis, Allergy, Allergy Treatment, Alternative Medicine, Amniotomy, Ante-Partum & Post-Partum Care, Antepartum Testing, Anxiety Disorders, Asthma Management, Back Disorders, Back Problems, Behavioral Health, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement, Biopsy, Birth Control, Blood Glucose Monitoring, Blood Pressure Management, Bone & Joint Problem, Bone Densitomery (Bone Density Test), Breast Enlargement, Breast Exam, Breast Feeding, Breastfeeding Counseling, Bronchitis, Burns (1st and 2nd Degree), Carpal Tunnel, Chest X-Ray, Chronic Depression, Chronic Fatigue, Colposcopy Diagnosis, Contusions, Delivery, Depo Provera-Birth Control, Depression, Dermatological Procedure Biopsy, Diagnosis & Treatment Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Std's or Sti's), Diet & Exercise Counseling, Emomentrial Biopsies, Essure Sterilization, Family Planning, Family Planning, Contraceptive Care & Counseling, Female Incontinence, Female Stress Urinary Incontinence, Fibromyalgia, Gardasil, Genetic Testing, Genetic Testing/Counseling, Genital Warts, Geriatric Medicine, Gynecological Care, Gynecological Pathology, Gynecology, Hair Loss, Headaches, Hemorrhoid Management, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, High Risk Obstetrics, High Risk Pregnancy, Holistic Medicine, Hormone Imbalance, Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt), Hospital Delivery, Immunization, Implanon Placement, Incontinence, Infertility, Iud Insertion/Removal, Kidney Stones, Lab Draws, Laceration Repair, Lactation, Lactation Consultant, Maternity, Menopausal Medicine, Menopause Evaluation & Treatment, Mid Wife Services Provided, Minor Office Procedures, Minor Skin Procedures, Mole and Wart Removal, Mole Evaluation and Removal, Natural Childbirth, Natural Family Planning, Naturopathic, Neonatal Resuscitation, Newborn Care, Newborn Circumcision, Nutritional Counseling, Ob/Gyn/Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility, Obgyn Ultrasound, Obstetrics, Oral Glucose Tolerance Test, Ovulation Induction, Pain Management, Pap Smear, Pap Tests, Pediatric Gynecology, Pelvic Exam & Pap Smear, Pelvic Exams, Pelvic Pain, Pelvic Prolapse, Pelvic Ultrasound, Permanent Birth Control, Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy For Depression, Pharmacotherapy Of Asthma, Physiatry, Physical Exam, Physicals, Preconception Counseling, Pregnancy Care, Pregnancy or Ob (Obstetric) Care, Premenstrual Syndrome (Pms), Prenatal Care, Prenatal Care & Counseling, Prenatal Classes, Prenatal Seminar, Prenatal Support Group, Prenatal Ultrasound, Preterm Labor, Preventative Care, Preventative Medicine, Preventative Medicine (Health & Behavior Consultations & Assessments), Preventive Medicine, Primary Care, Primary Care For Adolescents, Primary Care Of Menopausal Women, Primary Care Physician (Pcp), Psychiatric Consultation, Psychopharmacology, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Treatment, Routine Gynecological Care, Routine Gynecology, Semen Analysis, Sexual Dysfunctions, thyroid disorders, Urine Pregnancy Test, Vaginal Birth After Caesarean-Vbac, Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (Vbac), Vaginal Delivery, Vaginal Prolapse, Wart Removal, Wart Treatment, Weight Loss, Well Baby Care, Well Woman Exams, Wellness, Women%S Health, Women's Care Center, Women's Psychiatric Care, Women's Services
Anxiety Depression, Birth, Birth Control Pills, Patches & Rings, Breast Feeding, Childbirth, Cholesterol Management, Cold & Flu, Colposcopy, Comprehensive Primary Care, Contraception, Diabetes, Dysmenorrhea, Endometrial Biopsy, Gynecological Problems, Gynecology, Hypertension, Incontinence, Iud & Long-Term Contraceptives, Labor, Menopause, Menstrual Conditions, Mole Removal, Obstetric Ultrasound, Obstetrics, Osteoporosis, Pain Management, Pelvic Pain, Physicals, Postpartum, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Complications, Pregnancy or Ob (Obstetric) Care-Adolescent, Pregnancy-Related Conditions, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Std's), Thyroid Disorder, Vaginitis, Vulvor Biopsies, Weight Management, Women's Health
The process of human childbirth is a normal physiological process perfectly designed by nature to bring babies into the world. It is an instinctive, primal experience that has it's own rhythm and pace which should be respected and honored, and works best when interfered with as little as possible. Women should have as much control as possible in determining their care, and should be encouraged to be active participants in decision-making and self-care. When informed, supported and encouraged to follow their own instincts, women can be active givers of birth rather than passive receivers of birth technology. Midwifery is both an art and a science. The art of midwifery consists of sensitivity to the needs of women and families, and being able to meet these needs in the most appropriate way. It involves knowing when and how to intervene to promote safety if it becomes necessary, and is grounded in scientific knowledge. borrowed from