935 52Nd St SE, Kentwood 49508
(616) 531-1500 (Phone), (616) 531-2881 (Fax)
Exercise Counseling, Low Back Procedure, Manipulation Adjustments of Back & Neck, Neck Pain Procedure, Therapeutic Massage, X-Ray
Arthritis, Back Disorders, Back Injuries, Back Sprain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Extremity Pain, Fibromyalgia, Headache, Herniated Disc, Joint Pain, Leg Pain, Low Back Pain, Lower Back Injuries, Migraine, Neck Disorders, Neck Injuries, Neck Muscle Strain, Neck Pain, Sciatica (Not Due to Disc Displacement), Shoulder Pain, Sports Injuries, Sprain, Whiplash Injuries
As a chiropractor in the Grand Rapids area since 1982 I am committed to helping my patients find relief from problems related to the spine. I have extensive experience treating back and neck pain, headaches, arm and leg pain, and general muscular-skeletal pain. My office also offers exceptional massage therapy, posture and stretching instruction and a line of whole food supplements from Standard Process and Biotics, rounding out our ability to help you live a more holistic life.
Other Education
Life University / Life Chiropractic College / West Campus
Graduated: 1982