Health, Wellness and Fitness, Health and Allied Services, Nec, Nsk
Doing business as:
Podiatry Care Specialists<br>Podiatry Care Specialists - Chad J Friedman DPM
(610) 356-5911 (Phone), (610) 356-2015 (Fax)
At Podiatry Care Specialists, we are dedicated to keeping patients of all ages on their feet. We believe that keeping people active is the key to a healthy and happy lifestyle. In order to achieve thi...
Owner, Podiatrists:
Theodore Mushlin (Podiatrist, President),Bradford Jacobs (Podiatrist),Chad J. Friedman (Physician Assistant, Podiatrist),...
Physicians & Surgeons, Podiatry Physicians & Surgeons
Open Hours:
Open Saturdays, Open Evenings
Areas served:
Lancaster, Dauphin, Lebanon, Berks, York
Custom, Semi- Custom, and Non- Custom Orthotics, Digital X-Ray On Premises, Participant in Diabetic Shoe Program, ...
Diplomate, American Board of Podiatric Surgery
Do You Need, Early Morning Hours, We Are Here To Accommodate You, Crocs RX Distributors, Affiliated With the Chester County Hospital and Other Area Hospitals Surgery Centers