9180 E Desert Cove Dr, Scottsdale 85260
(480) 993-3331 (Phone), (480) 800-3240 (Fax)
Acupuncture, Allergy Tests, Blood Tests, Epidural Injections, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Injection Therapy, Integrative Medicine, Internal Medicine, Iv Rehydration, Iv Therapy, Pain Management, Thyroid Disorders
Acupuncture, Allergy Testing, Blood Test, Epidural Injections, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Integrative Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pain Management, Thyroid Disorders
Health Matters integrates natural medicine with scientifically based traditional approaches. Our practitioners are armed with experience in both modalities. We take time to communicate with our patients and clearly explain our medical opinion and provide a clear plan for the future. We address your health with all the knowledge, training and experience we posses with one goal in mind to put your health above all else and to offer the highest quality medical care with better outcomes for you.