Philip Dennis Dyer
Physician in Salt Lake City, UT

License number
Utah 328631-1205
Issued Date
Oct 4, 1996
Expiration Date
Apr 30, 2000
Physician & Surgeon
Salt Lake City, UT

Professional information

Philip Dyer Photo 1

Ph.d. Student At Bioinstrumentation Lab, University Of Utah

Graduate Student at Bioinstrumentation Lab, University of Utah
Greater Salt Lake City Area
Bioinstrumentation Lab, University of Utah since Aug 2007 - Graduate Student Caltech Jun 2004 - Aug 2004 - Intern NIST Jun 2003 - Aug 2003 - Intern NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Jun 2002 - Aug 2002 - Intern
University of Maryland Baltimore County 2005 - 2007
M.S., Mechanical Engineering- Restructured and automated the collection and processing of data for a multi-year experiment on early detection of lameness in cows, allowing data to be processed by undergraduates with minimal training - Worked closely with Bou-Matic personnel to improve, evaluate, and troubleshoot the commercialized lameness detection system (StepMetrixTM) - Coordinated and managed three undergraduate students in the lab - Increased the amount of usable data from a lameness detection system with new software algorithm for separating concentrated walks of multiple cows
University of Maryland Baltimore County 2000 - 2005
B.S., Physics, Philosophy
University of Oxford 2003 - 2004
n/a, Physics, Math, Philosophy
University of Utah 2007
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Bioinstrumentation, Robotics
Honor & Awards:
NSF IGERT Fellowship, 2007 - 2009, Wayne Brown Fellowship, 2007, NSF Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship, 2005 - 2007, Meyerhoff Scholarship, 2000 - 2005, Outstanding Graduating Senior in Physics 2005, Butler University Study Abroad Scholarship, 2003 - 2004, University of Maryland, Baltimore County's Dean's List 2000 - 2003