97th Medical Group Outpatient Clinic - Altus AFB, OK
Deputy Administrator - in charge of all support functions including human resources, financial management, facility maintenance, logistics, patient administration, and ancillary services
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Chief of Outpatient Pharmacy Satellites Services
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Deputy Chief of Outpatient Pharmacy Satellites Services
332nd Expeditionary Medical Group Trauma Hospital
Chief of Pharmacy, Radiology, and Laboratory Services
Wilford Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Chief of Pharmacy Logistics and Informatics
Defense Supply Center Philadelphia, Defense Logistics Agency - Philadelphia, PA
Chief, Pharmaceutical Technical Quality and National Contracting - directly worked with other government agencies including the DVA, FDA, HHS, FEMA, DOS, CDC, DEA, and IHS on procurement requirements of drugs and vaccines, quality issues, government pricing options, and troubleshoot local, regional, and national drug and vaccine shortages
Defense Supply Center Philadelphia, Defense Logistics Agency - Philadelphia, PA
Defense Logistics Agency Senior Commodity Specialist - managed the execution of all Defense Logistics Agency's contracts (food/water, military apparel, fuel, construction material/equipment, medical, and spare parts for weapon systems) in support of Department of Defense and Department of State
Defense Supply Center Philadelphia, Defense Logistics Agency - Philadelphia, PA
Chief, Pharmaceutical Prime Vendor Pricing & National Contracting
Defense Supply Center Philadelphia, Defense Logistics Agency - Philadelphia, PA
Aid de Camp to Defense Supply Center Philadelphia Commander
Defense Supply Center Philadelphia, Defense Logistics Agency - Philadelphia, PA
Chief, Pharmaceutical Prime Vendor Pricing & National Contracting - directly responsible for the Department of Defense's drug procurement program with 4 national and 1 regional wholesalers; supervised all pricing agreements with manufacturers, the 3 Services, and other government agencies including the DVA (National Acquisition Center and Pharmacy Benefits Management), HHS, and IHS
436th Medical Support Squadron - Dover AFB, DE
Chief of Pharmacy Services
1st Medical Group Hospital - Langley AFB, VA
Chief of Pharmacy Clinical Services
1st Medical Group Hospital - Langley AFB, VA
Medical Group Executive Officer, Hospital Patient Advocate and Chief of Pharmacy Clinical Services
1st Medical Support Squadron - Langley AFB, VA
Chief of Pharmacy Outpatient Services
Satellite Pharmacy - Langley AFB, VA
Officer in Charge
Keller Graduate Business School, DeVry University - Downers Grove, IL
Master in Business Administration in Human Resources Management
Air Command Staff College, Air University - Montgomery, AL
Master in Military Operational Art and Science
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA
Pharmacy Executive Leadership Course in Leadership
School of Pharmacy, Temple University - Philadelphia, PA
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy