Manor Care East - Oak Lawn, IL
Graduate Student Speech Language Pathologist
Falconer Elementary School - Chicago, IL
Graduate Student Speech Language Pathologist
New Horizon for the Developmentally Disabled - Chicago, IL
Graduate Student Speech Language Pathologist
Ludden Speech and Language Clinic - Chicago, IL
Graduate Student Clinician
Ludden Speech and Language Clinic
Graduate Student Clinician
Ludden Speech and Language Clinic - Chicago, IL
Graduate Student Clinician
Ludden Speech and Language Clinic
Intern Student
Part time preschool teacher for 2-4yr olds
Bayfair DayCare-full
time preschool teacher
In Home Service
Special Needs Worker
Saint Xavier University - Chicago, IL
Masters of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
University of Tennessee - Knoxville, TN
Seneca College - Toronto, ON
Diploma in Early Childhood Education
University of Waterloo - Waterloo, ON
Bachelor of Arts in General Psychology
Computer Skills: I am proficient in Microsoft Word, Google Docs, powerpoint presentations, e-mail, and Microsoft Excel.