Acupuncture, Hematology, Massage Therapy
1815 Hamilton Ave, San Jose 95125
(408) 386-2689 (Phone)
Allergies, Anxiety, Asthma, Back and Neck Pain, Back Pain, Digestive Problems, Headache, Insomnia, Menopause, Migraine Headaches, Neck Pain, Pain, Pain Management, Pain Of The Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist & Hand, Sciatica, Stress
What Sets Our Clinic Apart From Other Chinese Medical Practitioners? First of all, we pay attention to what you say!! The number one complaint we hear from patients is "My doctor never listens to me" or "My doctor does not believe me." No one knows more than you do about your mind and body, so it only makes good sense to listen to what you have to say. Our only agenda is to guide you on achieving balance in your mind and body by working with you on your health concerns.
Medical School
Five Branches University