Paul Chun-Hong Leung - San Jose CA
Frederick Thomas Sharp - Menlo Park CA
David Y. Chen - San Jose CA
Judianto Sidik - San Jose CA
John Shek-Luen Ng - San Jose CA
Morgan Young - San Jose CA
International Business Machines Corp. - Armonk NY
International Classification:
G06F 1300
A system and method for transferring a file from a client platform to a server platform. A procedure. sub. -- to. sub. -- invoke parameter is set equal to information identifying a file transfer procedure located at the server platform. A pointer in a first "sqlvar" parameter is caused to point to the string representing the file, and a pointer in a second sqlvar parameter is caused to point to a file name of the file. The first and second sqlvar parameters are part of an input. sub. -- args parameter. A "sqleproc" function is invoked at the client platform. The procedure. sub. -- to. sub. -- invoke and input. sub. -- args parameters are passed to the sqleproc function. The sqleproc function when executed causes the input. sub. -- args parameter to be passed to the file transfer procedure at the server platform, and also causes the file transfer procedure to be invoked at the server platform.