Mercy Health Systems
Full Time Employment
JCrew - Princeton, NJ
Sales Associate
Bell & Whistle Restaurant - Hopewell, NJ
Three Siren's Boutique - Philadelphia, PA
Sales Associate
Jefferson Hospital - Philadelphia, PA
Catering server for Emily's Caf - Pennington, NJ
Catering server
Waitress and Server for Chambers Walk Caf and Catering - Lawrenceville, NJ
Waitress and Server
Medical Diagnostic Laboratories - Hamilton, NJ
Part Time Employment
Thomas Jefferson University School of Nursing - Philadelphia, PA
BSN/MSN in Adult NP/ Nursing
The College of New Jersey - Ewing, NJ
Lehigh University - Bethlehem, PA
Bachelor of Sciences in Biology
James Madison University - Harrisonburg, VA
Participant in Jefferson's Magnet ANCC School of Nursing Interview
Bachelor of Science in Nursing