Milton Meckler
Engineering at 20 St, Santa Monica, CA

License number
Louisiana PE.0018534
Issued Date
Jan 20, 1980
Civil Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
930 20Th St APT 2, Santa Monica, CA 90403

Personal information

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Milton Meckler
1930 Beverly Glen Blvd, La, CA 90025
(310) 553-1551
(310) 557-1932
Milton Meckler
930 20Th St, Santa Monica, CA 90403

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Milton Meckler Photo 1
Wave Energy Beaming And Holograph Tracking For Power Generating Spacecraft Platforms

Wave Energy Beaming And Holograph Tracking For Power Generating Spacecraft Platforms

US Patent:
5685505, Nov 11, 1997
Jan 17, 1995
Appl. No.:
Milton Meckler - Santa Monica CA
International Classification:
F03H 500
US Classification:
A wave energy receiving platform installed to track in alignment within a look angle of the sun or a wave energy beaming platform, using holographic windows recorded according to time related positions of the platforms as zone plates to concentrate the wave energy in energy converters, and to columnate light for energy beaming, one embodiment utilizing a circular holographic window for "spot" insolation and a dish-shaped reflector for photovoltaic power assimilation and microwave transmission, a second embodiment utilizing a rectilinear-shaped holographic window for "bar"-shaped beaming and an elongated reflector for photovoltaic power assimilation and microwave transmission, a rectilinear Stirling cycle engine directly operating a rectilinear alternator for generating electrical power, the photovoltaic power synchronized therewith for in-house operation and primary propulsion.

Milton Meckler Photo 2
Enhanced Lithium Bromide Absorption Cycle Water Vapor Recompression Absorber

Enhanced Lithium Bromide Absorption Cycle Water Vapor Recompression Absorber

US Patent:
5816070, Oct 6, 1998
Nov 25, 1996
Appl. No.:
Milton Meckler - Santa Monica CA
International Classification:
F25B 1500
US Classification:
A Vapor Recompression Absorber (VRA) for reprocessing a concentrated solution of water refrigerant and Lithium-Bromide salt from at least one solution concentrator in a closed chiller system, the VRA being comprised of an upper heat-in absorption chamber and a lower heat-out evaporation chamber and sump separated by a thin polymer heat transfer wall, strong solution from the system applied as a falling film to the heat-in side is recirculated, while strong solution applied as a falling film to the heat-out side and evaporation therefrom transported by a vapor compressor to the absorption chamber and condensed for recirculation, the sump solution being being strengthened and delivered to and evaporated in the absorber of the chiller system for maximized chilling of a water distribution system.

Milton Meckler Photo 3
Refrigerant Enhancer-Absorbent Concentrator And Turbo-Charged Absorption Chiller

Refrigerant Enhancer-Absorbent Concentrator And Turbo-Charged Absorption Chiller

US Patent:
5600967, Feb 11, 1997
Apr 24, 1995
Appl. No.:
Milton Meckler - Santa Monica CA
International Classification:
F25B 1500
US Classification:
A unit of apparatus for reprocessing concentrated absorbent solution in a closed absorption chiller, for discharge of water refrigerant through an evaporator for heat-in effect from a heat distribution system, and discharge of said absorbent solution reconcentrated thereby for absorption of said water refrigerant after chilling and heat-out effect to a cooling tower, characterized by vapor compression from an evaporator followed by liquification by a condenser with heat transfer from the condenser into the evaporator, increasing solution concentration 1. 1% and increased chilling capacity of 23%, with a 7. 1% increased coefficient of performance, resulting in a 23% increase in chilling.

Milton Meckler Photo 4
Polymer Desiccant And System For Dehumidified Air Conditioning

Polymer Desiccant And System For Dehumidified Air Conditioning

US Patent:
5191771, Mar 9, 1993
Jul 5, 1991
Appl. No.:
Milton Meckler - Santa Monica CA
International Classification:
F25D 2300
US Classification:
A liquid polymer-salt solution as a desiccant in an air conditioning system comprised of a heat-pipe having its heat absorber section in an outside air inlet duct following water vapor adsorption into the desiccant by a contacter section of a dehumidifier, and the heat-pipe having its heat rejecter section in an exhaust air duct and preferably preceeding water vapor discharge from the desiccant by a regenerater section of the dehumidifier.

Milton Meckler Photo 5
Desiccant Assisted Multi-Use Air Pre-Conditioner Unit With System Heat Recovery Capability

Desiccant Assisted Multi-Use Air Pre-Conditioner Unit With System Heat Recovery Capability

US Patent:
5325676, Jul 5, 1994
Aug 24, 1992
Appl. No.:
Milton Meckler - Santa Monica CA
International Classification:
F25D 2300
US Classification:
62 93
A dehumidifier unit for pre-conditioning air delivered to a multiplicity of separate refrigeration air conditioner units and especially ductless systems where the compressor-condenser unit is separate from the fan-coil unit, and assisted by heat pipe transfer of heat from air dehumidified through a desiccant wheel and by heat of compression from the condenser of one compressor-condenser unit, and with a heater to maintain the temperature of regeneration air through the wheel, one dehumidifier unit pre-conditioning air for a multiplicity of refrigeration air conditioners or fan-coil units.

Milton Meckler Photo 6
Co-Sorption Air Dehumidifying And Pollutant Removal System

Co-Sorption Air Dehumidifying And Pollutant Removal System

US Patent:
5426953, Jun 27, 1995
Aug 4, 1993
Appl. No.:
Milton Meckler - Santa Monica CA
International Classification:
F24F 700
US Classification:
An air dehumidifying and air pollutant removal system adapted especially to desiccant wheel operation with downstream air filtering, and the discrete use of desiccants for the adsorption of gaseous pollutants as well as water vapor and both of which are desorped by regeneration, and downstream filter packs for the absorbtion of gasses and particulate matter collected thereby and desorbed for exhaust to atmosphere during off periods of building occupancy.

Milton Meckler Photo 7
Air Quality-Temperature Controlled Central Conditioner And Multi-Zone Conditioning

Air Quality-Temperature Controlled Central Conditioner And Multi-Zone Conditioning

US Patent:
5279609, Jan 18, 1994
Oct 30, 1992
Appl. No.:
Milton Meckler - Santa Monica CA
International Classification:
F25D 1708
US Classification:
236 493
An air quality and temperature responsive air conditioning system wherein modules are employed to precondition the air for humidity control, to heat and cool the air, and to bypass the supply air in excess of the demand of a multiplicity of comfort zones with thermostat control, and featuring a bypass module characterized by parallel ducting, one ducting which is restricted by a damper responsive to a supply air back pressure sensor, and one ducting which is opened by a damper responsive to an air quality sensor.

Milton Meckler Photo 8
Polymer Enhanced Glycol Desiccant Heat-Pipe Air Dehumidifier Preconditioning System

Polymer Enhanced Glycol Desiccant Heat-Pipe Air Dehumidifier Preconditioning System

US Patent:
5471852, Dec 5, 1995
Mar 22, 1994
Appl. No.:
Milton Meckler - Santa Monica CA
International Classification:
F25D 2300
US Classification:
A liquid glycol enhanced with a polymer-salt solution such as a desiccant in an air pre-conditioner system with a heat-pipe having its heat absorber section in an outside air inlet duct following water vapor adsorption into the desiccant by a contacter section of a dehumidifier, the heat-pipe having its heat rejecter section in an exhaust air duct and preferably preceeding water vapor discharge from the desiccant by a regenerater section of the dehumidifier, a desuperheater for efficient refrigerant compression, a reflux boiler for desiccant regeneration, and a glycol interchanger recovery system for desiccant recovery.

Milton Meckler Photo 9
Desiccant Assisted Multi-Use Air Pre-Conditioner Unit With System Heat Recovery Capability

Desiccant Assisted Multi-Use Air Pre-Conditioner Unit With System Heat Recovery Capability

US Patent:
RE37464, Dec 11, 2001
Jul 5, 1996
Appl. No.:
Milton Meckler - Santa Monica CA
International Classification:
F25D 2300
US Classification:
62 93
A dehumidifier unit for pre-conditioning air delivered to a multiplicity of separate refrigeration air conditioner units and especially ductless systems where the compressor-condenser unit is separate from the fan-coil unit, and assisted by heat pipe transfer of heat from air dehumidified through a desiccant wheel and by heat of compression from the condenser of one compressor-condenser unit, and with a heater to maintain the temperature of regeneration air through the wheel, one dehumidifier unit pre-conditioning air for a multiplicity of refrigeration air conditioners or fan-coil units.

Milton Meckler Photo 10
Polymer Desiccant And System For Dehumidified Air Conditioning

Polymer Desiccant And System For Dehumidified Air Conditioning

US Patent:
5297398, Mar 29, 1994
Feb 5, 1993
Appl. No.:
Milton Meckler - Santa Monica CA
International Classification:
F25D 2300
US Classification:
A liquid polymer-salt solution as a desiccant in an air conditioning system comprised of a heat-pipe having its heat absorber section in an outside air inlet duct following water vapor adsorption into the desiccant by a contacter section of a dehumidifier, and the heat-pipe having its heat rejecter section in an exhaust air duct and preferably preceeding water vapor discharge from the desiccant by a regenerater section of the dehumidifier.