Thomas Edison State College
Bachelors in Computer Science (Expected 2013)
C++: Use of classes (OOP), member access control (private/public), class member functions, inheritance, multiple inheritance, virtual functions, virtual base classes, pass by value and reference, enumerations, dynamic structures, dynamic arrays, file input and output, recursion, function pointers, function overloading, function templates (parameterized types), operator overloading, and templates. // SQL: Use of queries, schema design, key constraints, foreign keys, relational database design, ER diagraming, relational algebra, updates, union/intersect/except, nested queries, aggregate operators, Group By clauses, Having clauses, joins, and Check constraints. // HTML/XHTML: Use of Tags, empty tags, style sheets (CSS), style classes, style IDs, internal style sheets, inline styles, scripting (JavaScript), lists, tables, external links, internal links, and embedded multimedia. // Additional Languages: C, Java, Visual Basic 2010, JavaScript, CSS. // Design Methods & Elements: Design Methods: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Abstract Data Types (stacks, queues, trees, linked lists, and hash tables), Pipe and Filter, Implicit Invocation, Layering, Repositories, and Interpreters. // Software Engineering Models: Knowledge of Waterfall, V, prototyping, operational specification, incremental, iterative, and agile. // Testing Processes: Knowledge of unit testing, integration testing, function testing, performance testing, acceptance testing, and installations testing. // Other Software: Windows (XP, Vista, 7), Linux (Ubuntu), Open Office, Microsoft Office, LibreOffice, TortoiseSVN, NetBeans and Eclipse.