Technical Lead Engineer at The Boeing Company
The Boeing Company
- Saint Louis, Missouri since Jul 2006
Technical Lead Engineer
Northrop Grumman Corporation
- El Segundo, CA 2005 - 2006
Software Engineer
Boeing Satellite Systems
- El Segundo, CA 2001 - 2005
Software Engineer, Consultant
Credit Interlink of America
- Westwood, CA 1999 - 2001
Software Engineer
AC International
- Santa Fe Springs, CA 1998 - 1999
Systems Architect
University of California, Los Angeles 2001 - 2006
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Computer Science
University of California, Los Angeles 1999 - 2001
Master of Science (MS), Computer Science
University of California, Los Angeles 1995 - 1999
Bachelor of Science (BS), Computer Science
Honor & Awards:
Nominee for Black Engineer of the Year (2012).
Founding participant and treasurer of Boeing’s Leadership Excellence Acceleration Program (LEAP) (2011-2013).
Represented Boeing at National Academy of Engineering Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium (2012) and Frontiers of Engineering conference (2010).
Founding committee member for Boeing Technical Journal (2010).
Organized and executed Boeing Research and Technology’s first St. Louis Technology Expo (2010) and employee recognition events (2009, 2010).
Washington University guest lecturer: SysEng/CpE 419: “Network Centric Systems Architecting and Engineering” (2007).
Leadership team member at Venice Church (Venice, CA) (1999-2006) and at various times I also led the church’s middle school, high school, and college programs.
Developed “Quake Superheroes” and “Quake Superheroes II”; featured in “PC Gamer” (1999).
Cato University Scholar (2004), National Merit Scholar and University of California Regents Scholar (1995).