Radiology at Engle St, Englewood, NJ

License number
New Jersey 182465
350 Engle St, Englewood, NJ 07631
(201) 608-2800
(201) 608-2478 (Fax)

Personal information

See more information about MICHAEL HARRIS at radaris.com
Michael R. Harris
Jersey City, NJ
(201) 386-0499
(201) 488-3629
(201) 556-1662
(201) 871-0136

Professional information

Michael T Harris Photo 1

Dr. Michael T Harris, Englewood NJ - MD (Doctor of Medicine)

Colon & Rectal Surgery, General Surgery
Chief of Surgery and Surgical Services
350 Engle St, Englewood 07631
(201) 608-2800 (Phone)
Crohn's Disease, Laparoscopic Colon Resection, Restorative Proctocolectomy With Ileal-Anal J Pouch, Robotic Colorectal Surgery
Colitis, Colorectal (Colon) Cancer, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis
General Surgery
Healthgrades Honor Roll
Chief of Surgery and Surgical Services
350 Engle St, Englewood 07631
Englewood Hospital & Medical Center
350 Engle St, Englewood 07631
Medical School
Columbia University College Of Physicians and Surgeons
Graduated: 1988

Michael T. Harris Photo 2

Michael T. Harris, Englewood NJ

Colorectal Surgeon, Surgeon
350 Engle Street, Englewood, NJ 07631
Medical School - MD, Columbia Univ. Col. of Phy. & Surg.
Mount Sinai Hospital (Residency - Surgery)
English, Spanish, Russian, Yiddish
Awards and Publications:
Gorfine SR, Harris MT, Bub DS, Bauer JJ. Restorative proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis complicated by colorectal cancer. Dis Colon Rectum 2004; 47: 1377-1385., Steinlauf A, Marion J, Sachar D, Sandler A, Greenstein A, Harris MT. Ileouterine Fistulae: Possible Predisposing Factors to this Rare Complication of Crohn's Disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2010;., Gorfine SR, Gelernt IM, Bauer JJ, Harris MT, Kreel I. Restorative proctocolectomy without diverting ileostomy. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 1995; 38: 188-194., Hearn K, Daily M, Harris MT, Bodian C. Reduce costs and improve patient satisfaction with home preoperative bowel preparations. Nursing Case Management 2000; 5: 13-25., Divino C, Shapiro M, Greenstein AJ, Byrn J, Corona J, Greenstein A, Salky B, Harris MT. Surgical Management and Outcome of Patients with Duodenal Crohn's Disease. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2008; 207(1): 36-42., Bauer JJ, Harris MT, Grumbach NM, Gorfine SR. Laparoscopic-assisted intestinal resection for Crohn's disease. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 1995; 38: 712-715., Harris MT. Colorectal Carcinoma. In: Primary Care. Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven; 1994., Ellozy S, Harris MT, Bauer J, Gorfine SR, Kreel I. Early postoperative small bowel obstruction: a prospective evaluation in 242 consecutive abdominal operations. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 2002 Sept; 45(9): 1214-1217., Harris MT, Drew M, Cohen LB, Tenenbaum M. Esophageal obstruction in malignant mesothelioma. Diseases of the Esophagus 1994; 1: 212-214., Harris MT, Lewis BS. Systematic disease affecting the mesenteric circulation. Surgical Clinics of North America 1992; 72: 13-15., Latzman GS, Kornbluth A, Murphy SJ, Legnani P, George J, Guller J, Carroccio A, Lewin S, Harris MT. Use of an intravascular thrombectomy device to treat life-threatening venous thrombosis in a patient with crohn's disease and G20210A prothrombin gene mutation.. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2007; 13(4): 505-508., Oh C, Divino CM, Steinhagen RM. Anal fissure: 20-year experience. Dis Colon Rectum 1995; 38: 378-382., Edden Y, Benkov K, Harris MT. Percutaneous Liver Biopsy Complicated by Hemobilia-Associated Acute Cholecystitis. World J Gastroenterol 2006 July; 12(27): 4435-4436., Bauer JJ, Gorfine SR, Gelerrnt IM, Harris MT, Kreel I. Restorative proctocolectomy in patients older than fifty years. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 1997; 40: 562-565., Robert Paradny Teaching Award in Surgery (The Mount Sinai Department of Surgery - 2004), Physician of the Year Special Recognition Award (The Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Nursing - 2007), Gold Doc Award for Humanism in Medicine (The Arnold P. Gold Foundation - 2009), Telem DA, Vine AJ, Swain G, Divino CM, Salky B, Greenstein AJ, Harris MT, Katz LB. Laparoscopic subtotal colectomy for medically refractory ulcerative colitis: the time has come. Surgical Endoscopy 2010; 24(7): 1616-1620., National Leadership in Medicine Award (The Studer Group - 2009)
Board certifications:
American Board of Surgery
Dr. Harris discusses ulcerative colitis in The Daily News feature The Daily Check Up. Dr. Michael T. Harris is the Chief of Surgery and Surgical Services at Englewood Hospital and...