Michael D. Feldman - Wilmington DE, US
Satish Viswanath - Highland Park NJ, US
Pallavi Tiwari - Highland Park NJ, US
Robert Toth - Hillsborough NJ, US
Anant Madabhushi - South Plainfield NJ, US
John Tomaszeweski - Abington PA, US
Mark Rosen - Bala Cynwyd PA, US
The Trustees of the University of PA. - Philadelphia PA
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick NJ
International Classification:
G06K 9/00, A61B 5/05
This invention relates to computer-assisted diagnostics and classification of prostate cancer. Specifically, the invention relates to segmentation of the prostate boundary on MRI images, cancer detection using multimodal multi-protocol MR data; and their integration for a computer-aided diagnosis and classification system for prostate cancer.