Mehrdad Nourani - Plano TX, US
Matthew Q. Pompeo - Dallas TX, US
Lakshman S. Tamil - Plano TX, US
Rasoul Yousefi - Dallas TX, US
The Board of Regents of the University of Texas System - Austin TX
International Classification:
A61B 5/103
The present invention relates generally to the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers and a platform for monitoring, prevention and management of pressure ulcer using a pressure mapping system that records a patient's bed posture, tracks different limbs along with associated statistical pressure image data and produces a summary report for care givers after data analysis and risk assessment. The methodology allows care givers to utilize the stress data and schedule the repositioning of the patient more effectively. The invention relates to creation and using algorithms and analytics for monitoring, prevention and management of pressure ulcers which include time-stamped whole-body pressure distribution data collection and profiling; posture classification, limb detection and tracking; quality of turn and risk assessment; turning schedule and nursing staff utilization for pressure ulcer management; and patient status reporting system customized for caregivers.