Joel K. Nyquist - Louisville CO, US
Erik N. Reckase - Berthoud CO, US
Matthew D. Robinson - Denver CO, US
John F. Remillard - Fort Collins CO, US
Red Shift Company, LLC - Ridgewood NJ
International Classification:
G10L 19/14
Generally speaking, embodiments of the present invention relate to speech processing such as, for example, speech recognition. Speech processing according to one embodiment of the present invention can be performed based on the occurrence of events within the electrical signals representing speech. Such events need not comprise instantaneous occurrences but rather, an occurrence within the electrical signal spanning some period of time. Furthermore, the electrical signal can be analyzed based on the occurrence and location of these events so that less than all of the signal is analyzed. That is, the spoken sounds can be processed based on regions of the signal around and including the events but excluding other portions of the signal. For example, transition periods before the occurrence of the events may be excluded to eliminate noise or transients introduced at that part of the signal.