Brownstein Rask Sweeney LLP
1200 SW Main St, Portland 97205
(503) 221-1772, (503) 221-1074
Law Clerk at Oregon Tax Court - 2008-2010
McGeorge School of Law, University of the PacificDegree JD - Juris Doctor - TaxationGraduated 2007
Oregon State UniversityDegree BS - Bachelor of Science - Political ScienceGraduated 2000
Business - 50%
Estate Planning - 25%
Probate - 15%
Tax - 10%
Rotary Club of Portland New Generations - Member, 2012-present
Oregon Women Lawyers (Portland chapter) - Director, 2010-present
Oregon Women Lawyers, Public Relations and Awards Committee - Member, 2010-present
Oregon Women Lawyers, Dragon Boat Team - Member, 2009-present
Oregon Women Lawyers (Portland chapter) - President, 2014
Oregon State Bar, Legal Heritage Interest Group Committee - Chair, 2013
OSB Taxation Section, NTLC - Chair, 2011