2625 Delaware Ave, Buffalo 14216
(716) 874-2759 (Phone), (716) 874-2913 (Fax)
Aquatic Therapy, Chronic Pain Management, Hip Fracture & Dislocation Treatment, Hip Replacement, Knee Replacement, Physical Therapy, Shoulder Fracture & Dislocation Treatment, Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, Spine Fracture Treatment, Ultrasound, Musculoskeletal
Ankle Disorders, Ankle Fracture, Ankle Injury, Ankle Instability, Ankle Sprain, Arthritis of the Elbow, Arthritis of the Neck, Arthritis of the Shoulder, Arthritis of the Spine, Arthritis of the Wrist, Back Impairment, Back Injuries, Back Sprain, Bursitis, Elbow Bursitis, Elbow Disorders, Elbow Injuries, Elbow Sprain, Facet Joint Pain, Facet Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Hip Arthritis, Hip Diseases, Hip Dislocation, Hip Disorders, Hip Flexor Strain, Hip Injury, Hip Muscle Strain, Hip Pain, Hip Sprain, Injuries, Knee Arthritis, Knee Injuries, Knee Pain, Knee Sprain, Knee Tendinitis, Low Back Pain, Lower Back Injuries, Lower Back Muscle Strain, Lower Back Sprain, Lumbar Disc Degeneration, Lumbar Herniated Discs, Lumbar Radiculopathy, Lumbar Sprain, Myofascial Pain, Neck Disorders, Neck Injuries, Neck Muscle Strain, Neck Pain, Occupational Injuries, Orthopaedic Trauma, Orthopedic Disorders, Osteoarthritis, Osteoarthritis of Ankle, Osteoarthritis of Elbow, Osteoarthritis of Hip, Osteoarthritis of Knee, Osteoarthritis of Shoulder, Osteoarthritis of Spine, Osteoarthritis of Wrist, Plantar Fasciitis, Shoulder Diseases, Shoulder Dislocation, Shoulder Disorders, Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, Shoulder Instability, Shoulder Muscle Strain, Shoulder Pain, Shoulder Separation, Shoulder Sprain, Shoulder Tendinitis, Spinal Cord Disorders, Spinal Instability, Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Spinal Rigidity, Spinal Stenosis, Spine (Back or Lumbar) Pain, Spondylolisthesis, Spondylosis, Sports Injuries, Sprain, Thoracic Disc Disorders, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Work-Related Injuries, Wrist Disorders, Wrist Fracture, Wrist Injuries, Wrist Pain, Wrist Sprain
I believe in a patient-centered approach to my practice of Physical Therapy. I will work with you in order to develop your PT goals and treatment program that fits your lifestyle. In turn, I expect that my patients follow through with their care and keep me informed as to any change in their condition.
Undergraduate Schools
D'Youville College
Graduated: 2000
D'Youville College-Physical Therapy
Graduated: 2006